#1 capture started on Wed Feb 16 17:57:06 2000

¥¥¥ SharonI has joined. ¥¥¥

LauraM: Hi Sharon! Welcome.

¥¥¥ Cheryl has joined. ¥¥¥

LauraM: Hi Cheryl, welcome.

Cheryl: Hi

¥¥¥ Sherri has joined. ¥¥¥

SharonI: Hi, Laura

Sherri: hi all

LauraM: Sharon and Sherri, do you know each other?

Sherri: no

SharonI: No, I don't believe so.

Sherri: I am a leader who took the LinCon w99

SharonI: I'm a librarian in a 8/9 building in Holland, Michigan. I took the class in the winter of 99.

Sherri: I am from Michigan as well!!

Sherri: Ann Arbor

Sherri: I work in Detroit

¥¥¥ Anonymous has joined. ¥¥¥

LauraM: Sharon was in the Joliet W99 and Sherri was in Fermi's w99.

Cheryl: Sharonl, I'm a librarian in a high school in Naperville

Sherri: langauge arts 3rd -4th

SharonI: I've been in the state 7 years (from Kansas) and haven't been over to the east side much.

Sherri: teachers don't get too much time off, do we :-)

SharonI: That's for sure!

Cheryl: Just at times when the world is off

¥¥¥ Eileen has joined. ¥¥¥

Sherri: right

Eileen: Hello everyone

Sherri: then what do we do?

SharonI: Hello, Eileen

Sherri: Enroll in an on-line course!

Eileen: hi

LauraM: Hi Eileen welcome.

Sherri: hey Eileen

Eileen: eating while we talk!

Sherri: just like a teacher!!

SharonI: That works.

¥¥¥ Jill has joined. ¥¥¥

Eileen: who is anonymous?

Sherri: Hi Jill

Sherri: Don't know

Eileen: hi Jill

SharonI: Hi, Jill. I'm the lone rep from Holland, MI

Jill: Hi, everyone. Hi, Sharon.

Sherri: anon is from IL

Eileen: Hi Sharon

Sherri: I just checked ?who is?

SharonI: Eileen, where are you from?

Eileen: Troy MI

Anonymous: Luci is anonymous. I am trying to change my nickname. Sorry. Can anyone help me to do that. Hi!

Eileen: Hi Luci

Sherri: Luci, Mac or Win

Jill: Hi Luci

Anonymous: Win

Sherri: Go under IRC and find change nink name

Sherri: nickname

Sherri: find it Luci?

¥¥¥ Anonymous has changed nickname to Luci ¥¥¥

Cheryl: The PC version has the options under view

Eileen: ok luci

Sherri: got it! good

Sherri: I am on a Mac, that I am!

Cheryl: OK, now that several people are here, let's get started. More will join, I'm sure.

Eileen: You feeling spunky today? Sherri?

Sherri: ok

Sherri: yep

Cheryl: We would like to talk about staff development that you might have done or planned.

Sherri: ok

SharonI: ok

Cheryl: Some have already tried some staff development.

Sherri: yep

Cheryl: Would someone like to start with telling one thing they tried that worked.

Sherri: we mixed our course offering with partial f2f

Sherri: face-to-face

Cheryl: Thanks for the clarification

Sherri: that really worked well

Cheryl: What percentage was what?

Sherri: given the wide range of tech skills our learners came in with

Sherri: about 25% f2f,

Sherri: right Eileen?

Eileen: They want more face to face

Cheryl: They feel safer that way.

Wed Feb 16 18:12:24 2000

Luci: Staff development at the PDA/ROE in Illinois has varied. A district requests are assistance and we develop a proposal where we provide shortterm or longterm but face to face.

Sherri: yep

Cheryl: Are the people from one building/district?

Sherri: in the MI &Tech nope

Sherri: we have teams

Eileen: from different counties and districts

¥¥¥ SharonI has quit saying: Ping timeout for SharonI[] ¥¥¥

Cheryl: Are they after school or evenings?

Luci: It varies, but usually a district and sometimes a one buidling rural district. What we have tried to do is provide support online during the week staring with faq

Sherri: after school, which run into evening

Eileen: after school ftf and 7 to 9 online

Luci: Both.

Cheryl: Have you had problems with online connections?

¥¥¥ SharonI has joined. ¥¥¥

Eileen: who are you asing?

Cheryl: Anyone in general will do.

Sherri: sometimes we have

¥¥¥ Meg has joined. ¥¥¥

Sherri: but mainly user error or dknh

Eileen: It was very bad the first chat sessions and is gettting better

Luci: Sometimes, depending on what we use.

Sherri: dknh = dknowhow

Luci: Hi Meg!

Cheryl: Have the people gotten discouraged, or do they keep trying?

Sherri: most keep trying

Luci: They keep trying and it usually gets better.

Eileen: They keep coming back for the most part

Cheryl: Good for them!

Eileen: Some AOL users have had connection difficulties

Luci: ditto

Sherri: agree, Eileen

Cheryl: I have noticed that too.

Cheryl: Connections come and go and people don't have the freedom of many ISPs.

Eileen: But not for everyone, I wonder if there is a trick?

Sherri: AOL has a large number of proprietary components, is my understanding

Sherri: non-standard stuff in the undercurrent

Sherri: or background technology

Sherri: plus, they have a BUNCH of chatters

Cheryl: What skilss, etc. do you favor to work with in a face to face situation??

Cheryl: skills!

Sherri: ?

Cheryl: Do some lessons work better in face to face, and which if they do?

SharonI: I'm not sure what you mean, Cheryl.

Sherri: Now I got 'cha! (thinking)

Sherri: all of the front-end technology stuff was easier

Sherri: to get across, i.e., chat, listserv

SharonI: At our class after school today we used Proposal Elements: Bridging the Gap. It stirred a great deal of discussion.

Sherri: great

LauraM: great, that is fairly new.

¥¥¥ christine has joined. ¥¥¥

Eileen: we did that online and I think the low tech ones lost some of the message because they were getting used to two screens etc

Sherri: We used it also, and found it useful

LauraM: Hi Christine, welcome - Each group is sharing a strategy that had really helped in their own staff development

Sherri: the content and presentation of the Gap is very well done

Eileen: Luci do you work alone?

Luci: I team with another consultant here.

Eileen: and they use the fermilab content?

Sherri: Eileen and I are together

¥¥¥ SharonIv has joined. ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ SharonI has quit saying: Ping timeout for SharonI[] ¥¥¥

Cheryl: Sharonlv, we are sharing strategies that have worked well.

LauraM: URL for that page is ...

SharonIv: Thanks!

LauraM: /lincon/el_prop_elements.shtml

Cheryl: How about some more strategies from some of the "lurkers"?

Sherri: do we need to go there now?

Cheryl: A reference for further use.

Meg: Hi Cheryl and group - I'd say that Sherri and Eileen have hit on one of the best strategies out there - teaming!

Sherri: ok :-)

Meg: When we are teaming, we model what EL is really like in a classroom and

¥¥¥ Luci has quit saying: Ping timeout for Luci[] ¥¥¥

Meg: we have the flexibility to remain focused, but flex to group needs

Cheryl: Like the Fermilab team--we each have skills to offer and specialize in.

Meg: You're so right Cheryl - just like when we group kids

Jill: Sharon, How are things going That approach works well for Pat and I, too.

Sherri: agree

Cheryl: Meg, how do you model the EL?

¥¥¥ christine has quit saying: Ping timeout for christine[] ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ Eileen has quit saying: Ping timeout for Eileen[] ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ Eileen has joined. ¥¥¥

Wed Feb 16 18:27:34 2000

Meg: thinking

¥¥¥ christine has joined. ¥¥¥

Sherri: How do we model EL...thinking

Meg: I guess I'd have to say that I model it in everything I say and do if I'm doing it right!

Sherri: we have for the last two f2f, been very heavy in student-directed activities

Jill: Meg, can you describe what it looks like?

Meg: I make sure that participants establish the goals, work in teams, do things that are relevant and useful in their daily work - but you guys know all this, right?

SharonIv: We are very early into our class but find that as a team of three facilitators we compliment each other well.

Meg: It looks like a lot of discussion,and

Meg: that is some place that a team is vital for facilitation

¥¥¥ Luci has joined. ¥¥¥

Cheryl: Luci, we are sharing strategies that have worked.

Meg: Someone has to coach the conversations and someone else needs to keep notes to document where we are going and where we started out at

Luci: Thanks!

Cheryl: We have used the concept of a person keeping notes for future reference too

Sherri: I prefer on-line to f2f

Cheryl: Why Sherri?

Meg: Sherri - really??

Eileen: Our groups seemed to do better once we were into their own projects

Jill: That's very interesting. Tell me more, Sherri.

Sherri: all can be captured for documentation,

Eileen: I prefer ftf and with the same groups as Sherri

¥¥¥ Anonymous has joined. ¥¥¥

Meg: Eileen - I have seen the same thing for most of the groups I work with too. It makes sense - its real to them then

Anonymous: Hi, this is Annette Campbell signing on.

SharonIv: Welcome, Annette

Cheryl: Hi, Annette. We are sharing strategies that have worked.

Eileen: I got really frustrated with the first f2f. Attendance is better at the f2f

Sherri: the learners are challenged to use the technology

Eileen: I'm sorry I mean frustrated at first chats

Sherri: as a tool of learning, which is key in the EL model

Cheryl: Technology that doesn't work is frustrating.

Sherri: and BUT

Sherri: rather than being the focus

Eileen: We had one problem and that is one group in particular has very low skills in tech

Sherri: I think teachers need to wean themselves from f2f encounters with learners

Meg: I bet we all can relate to Eileen on that one!

Anonymous: I am using MSchat. This is my first time so clue me in.

Jill: As we experienced, no f2f requires some protocol on the chat channel

Eileen: They at first did not follow directions at all and talked through the lesson about reducing the screen

¥¥¥ Luci has quit saying: Read error to Luci[]: Connection ¥¥¥

SharonIv: I agree, but for the first time through this class I'm glad to be doing f2f.

Meg: I have found though that some of the best teachers who use EL are not always strong on BUT

Sherri: agree

¥¥¥ Anonymous has changed nickname to Annette ¥¥¥

Meg: No - I think that Pat and Jill have been doing things in their district. I have no clue who Eileen and Sherri are. :)

Meg: OOPS - sorry group I was supposed to whisper that to Christine

Annette: Thank you Laura.Are we talking about teachers and how they relate to staff development

Sherri: Eileen and I are from Mi

Sherri: we were in LinCon W99

Meg: But, that helps us anyway - what is your background Eileen and Sherri?

Meg: Thanks - from MI, are you doing a LInC class there?

Sherri: we subsequently, wrote a grant to implement our project

Sherri: MI & Tech Converged

Annette: Should I just jump in?

Eileen: Sherri and I have a grant to teach the course for 14 weeks

Meg: Excellent!! Now we know each other! ?)

Sherri: teacher

Annette: What is the nature of the grant?

Eileen: 12 participants

Sherri: $ to implement the Fermi model, amended

Sherri: two leaders

Sherri: mentors from Fermi

Eileen: they have to develop a proposal that includes Multiple Intelligences, EL and BUT

Cheryl: Individual projects or teams?

Sherri: including student page, presentation, scenario

¥¥¥ Luci has joined. ¥¥¥

Sherri: teams

Sherri: our lab for f2f is in another district

Sherri: so we are truly sharing resources

¥¥¥ SharonI has joined. ¥¥¥

Meg: Some of us are re-thinking the use of projects for EL professional development

Meg: It seems to get folks thinking that EL is a one time thing

Sherri: how so, Meg?

christine: BUT--this idea in an EL environment provides the opportunity tell new learning stories with new tools. Many of our teachers have only experienced uses of tech telling old learning stories with a new tool. One of the keys for Staff Dev. is to provide staff

Meg: when what we really want is for them to think about EL infusion throughout theircurric.

christine: with the opps to "see" the new learning stories.

Luci: Meg, I think that many want a quick fix.

¥¥¥ SharonIv has quit saying: Ping timeout for SharonIv[] ¥¥¥

christine: It is hard to plan for something you cannot "see".

Cheryl: There's no comfort level in something too new.

Jill: I can agree with that, Cheryl:-)

Eileen: our presentation is on /lincon/w99/projects/multiple/present.html

Sherri: I think the comfort level grows as the learners become more proficient

Luci: By a quick fix, they want to be given a lesson that they can use rather than understand and decide on their own outcomes.

Cheryl: Thanks, Eileen, we'll check it out.

SharonI: What's neat about the timing of our class which is taking place in Feb. and March is that one of us, Chad Miller is now teaching the project with his classes and is sharing his first time EL experiences in the classroom.

Sherri: We are also using


Cheryl: Good experience to share right at the moment.

Wed Feb 16 18:42:35 2000

Luci: Many times in the trainings and courses we do, they have not been informed why they are there. We now try to find out the names of the particiapants and send them a letter or an email to better prepare them.

Sherri: it is a free web-based learning environment

Sherri: it serves as a hub

Sherri: we have links to pages

Sherri: student and instructor profiles...

Sherri: assignments

Sherri: and evaluations

LauraM: That is a really good point Luci

Meg: Luci - that is one of the best things to do for EL prof. dev. I'm glad you mentioned it.

Sherri: we also can send e-mail, selectively

Eileen: I like the letter ahead idea Luci

Annette: At Chicago Public Schools in the Learning Technologies we offer to our teachers classes on infusing technology into the curriculum

LauraM: setting the expectations and getting them psyched ahead is really important.

christine: Annette-what does infusing look like?

Luci: This pre prep is just as important face to face as on online. But sometimes our numbers are too large to obtain this pre-communication.

Meg: With some groups, we have asked them to email responses to "getting to know you" questions...

Cheryl: Annette, are they required, paid??

SharonI: I agree. We began with 12 participants. We've ended up with a solid class of 5.

Meg: this helps check out their tech. level as well as

Sherri: Laura and Fermi have letters for us to amend

Sherri: they are great

Meg: putting together a good Ice Breaker activity when they arrive

Annette: Infusing is the integration of technology using the engaged learner/Statestandards model

Annette: Teachers were selected from various schools in the region to pilot the program.

Jill: Annette, are they paid to take the class?

Annette: the purpose is to get all CPS schools using technology in the curriculu,

Sherri: I think college credit is a strong incentive for course completion

christine: Meg--mentioned something earlier that I would like to go back to....are educators thinking that EL is a project or an activity? What are your thoughtsto this critical issue?

Annette: The pilot teachers for the program were paid $20 during the summer months.

Luci: I like the term infusing.

Annette: The teachers that are taking the courses now can receive lane placement withich

Annette: means they can get more money in their paycheck

Sherri: ??

Sherri: thanks

Luci: What are the pilot teachers responsibilties to their staff/school?

Eileen: Our teachers get $100. to use on technology and a sub paid for a day to visit classrooms

Annette: The department has put out brochures advertising the courses andthe teachers select the course they want to take.

Cheryl: That's incentive to many

Eileen: We started with 12 and now havw 11.5 (one is helping but from the outside

Eileen: So it is state supported?

Meg: Annette, do you work with Helen Hoffenberg?

Sherri: 100.00 over 14 weeks

christine: this optional staff development?

Sherri: yes, in our case

Luci: Cadre (pilot teachers?)groups are to supportive and support a continuation of the process

Annette: We both work for the same department.

Meg: I met her this summer to discuss some work with a group of pilot schools

Eileen: For Sherri and I the group is optional

Cheryl: Let's change gears here for awhile.

Sherri: ok

Eileen: This couses the attendance to be poor I think

Annette: Yes, Meg, Helen works with a team to develop staff development on infusion

Cheryl: Let's try to identify some obstacles you have encountered

christine: In these staff dev. models, pilot or not--how are you measuring results?

Cheryl: and some solutions you might have thought of

Meg: I was really impressed with what CPS was doing with database - Infusion Exchange? I think

Meg: Can we see any of that?

Meg: Maybe post the URL here?

Cheryl: Eileen, you mentioned poor attendance.

Eileen: We had poor homework turn in and poor attendance

Cheryl: What incentives might be offerred to help that??

Sherri: Our learners don't arrive at chat on time

Eileen: We started graphing and posting the data in email and that helped

Cheryl: Like the assignment done sheet.

Sherri: right

¥¥¥ christine has quit saying: christine ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ SharonIv has joined. ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ Luci has left. ¥¥¥

Eileen: I gave prizes for thos in place at the beginning of the f2f and that helped a few

Sherri: teachers are wosre than the students they complain about, when

Cheryl: We had candy to kids so the idea can be transferred--reward them some how.

Eileen: My connection was bad tonight too.I'm on my back up provider

¥¥¥ SharonI has quit saying: Ping timeout for SharonI[] ¥¥¥

Sherri: it comes to homework

Cheryl: Suggestions on how to get better homework results?

Sherri: EL demands a certain level of internal motivation

Annette: Laura, if you are still there, I will have to sign off. I have homework to correct via email for my class tomorrow.

Cheryl: Everyone is busy...

Meg: I think a key is getting to the useable stuff as soon as you can - teachers like to see things they can use the very next day - keep it relevant

Sherri: and take charge-ness

Eileen: asking them to share their work during chat helped

Cheryl: Make them accountable?

Sherri: many teachers in our group seem short on those

¥¥¥ Annette has left. ¥¥¥

Sherri: I think for optional courses

Sherri: the incentives get to be risky

LauraM: that's a good point Meg.

Cheryl: Make it as relevant as you can as fast as you can.

Sherri: almost like pulling teeth

LauraM: SharonI - what are you finding that is helping you?

Eileen: We had one of our principals mention in staff how the school received recognition because of their participation

Meg: Oh- now there's another great one!

Sherri: staff meeting

Jill: That would be a plus

Cheryl: A pat on the back does help some times.

Meg: External recognition is almost better than a stipend sometimes

Wed Feb 16 18:57:40 2000

Sherri: I agree

Jill: Me, too

Eileen: We are going to show the results at MACUL during the student day. The kids come and show

Eileen: next year though for MACUL

SharonIv: Though we are meeting f2f we are asking our participants to send their assignments to us by e-mail. We have made available our school and home e-mail addresses as well as our phone numbers.

Sherri: right, so have we

LauraM: that makes you very approachable

Cheryl: easy to approach for problems and questions

Sherri: until recently, we included two Office Hours times

SharonIv: The two teachers I am mainly responsible for have called me at home as well as at school with questions. I've tried to make sure to help them right away.

Eileen: Our group seems to be resisting blackboard

Cheryl: Sherri, you stopped office hours??

Sherri: Yep, the instant feedback is really good

Sherri: only one day

Meg: approachable is good, but sometimes cognitive dissonance really helps folks through the change process. You don't want to provide too much help too quickly...

Eileen: We only do one nite now

Sherri: the other is by appointment

Cheryl: That makes sense.

Sherri: lack of use is the reason

Jill: Do you have chat capabilities from your school?

SharonIv: That's something to remember, Meg.

Cheryl: I had an office hour one night and no one came but me.

Sherri: no

Eileen: What is discouraging is when they seem to need help but do not ask

Sherri: that is common

Sherri: I'm told by my mentors

¥¥¥ stellema has joined. ¥¥¥

Sherri: wait until they start working on their projects

Sherri: that's when it picks up

Jill: The change process is an intersting evolution.

¥¥¥ Meg has left. ¥¥¥

Sherri: I was like that in LinCon

Sherri: agree Jill

Sherri: in a while, with standards-based everything

SharonIv: I think our teachers are their philosophically but now they are going to need to execute.

Sherri: resistance will be futile :-)

Sherri: even my mother has been working on a home computer for four years now

Sherri: she has bought three systems in her life time

LauraM: Hi Janet has joined us from Colorado.

Sherri: started off with an appleIIe

Sherri: Hi janet

¥¥¥ Jill has quit saying: Ping timeout for Jill[ ¥¥¥

LauraM: Janet, can you tell us about your staff development session and what you felt worked for your group??

stellema: hello

SharonIv: Greetings

Eileen: hi

Sherri: the society trends will demand more of technology savvy by teachers

Cheryl: Do you see some people's aging machines as an obstacle?

Sherri: yes

stellema: well...first of all my group was a group of one!

Sherri: wohoa!

LauraM: ok - what did you do one on one?

Sherri: how did it go?

stellema: I promised Fermi i would do an inservice

stellema: but because it was just me I ended up doing a one afternoon session to teachers in my building

stellema: we looked at engaged learning

Eileen: how did it go?

Sherri: what happened?

stellema: we talked about what engaged learning looks like and then they did an exercise where they took a project and switched it

Sherri: how was it received?

stellema: they did great on that-but I work in an awesome building

Sherri: great

LauraM: That's a neat idea for a 1 session inservice.

Sherri: I agree

stellema: then we thought about projects they were doing in classes and wrote hooks for those and ...

stellema: ended up looking through the projects that fermi has online

Sherri: how many hours devoted to the single session?

stellema: 2 hours and it wasn't enough-it went way tooo fast!

LauraM: that's also a really good idea - to pick one of the elements and focus on it.

Sherri: I bet

SharonIv: And, hooks are so important.

Sherri: and most difficult to get across

Sherri: , in our case at least

Eileen: I see some progress in the groups we teach mow that they are experiencing EL

stellema: there was really no way for me to do long term stuff so i thought those were good things to do

Sherri: Did anyone else have trouble with hooks?

Cheryl: Sounds like a good start, Stellema

stellema: i wanted to do another one on pagemill...but it seems the district wants to use the free software that's out there...something you guys might want to think about

SharonIv: We just discussed hooks at class today. Some folks wanted to say that technology or even the end product can be a hook. We said in a sense that is correct if students have never done web pages, but in the long run the hook must be imbedded within the co

Cheryl: I've had trouble with that in my district.

Wed Feb 16 19:13:43 2000

LauraM: We usually try to connect the hook to an authentic need for the project.

Sherri: our groups were somehow focused on Curriculum Guildelines as being hooks, enough

Eileen: We found that our most experienced group gave us the most trouble

¥¥¥ SharonI has joined. ¥¥¥

Cheryl: How so, Eileen?

SharonI: I'm back. Blame provider!

stellema: experienced how?

Sherri: Ph.D. was trying to run her group

Sherri: overbearing

¥¥¥ SharonIv has quit saying: Ping timeout for SharonIv[] ¥¥¥

Eileen: Our experienced group seemed to know it all

Cheryl: What did you try to bring them around?

Sherri: but they really didn't

Eileen: We met the team in chat alone with just them

Sherri: I pointed some to the Fermi site for clariffication

Sherri: -f

Sherri: specific topics were

Sherri: distinguishing between authentic learning and hooks

Eileen: They seem to be in the class to learn how to teach online so do not seem to think the EL is important

Eileen: They were somewhat embarrassed as others got approved byut now them

Sherri: but not them

LauraM: so getting expectation across at the beginning is a need

Sherri: became defensive

Eileen: They still are not quite on track

LauraM: SharonI ran into this too.

Sherri: I was so glad that Fermi ws there to add to our expertise

Sherri: and outside source

Eileen: agree. Yea Fermilab

Sherri: really helped

SharonI: Yes, we have concluded we need to be up front with expectations next time around.

Eileen: and thanks again

SharonI: Here, Here!

Eileen: how so

Eileen: We would not have guessed this

Eileen: Maybe we need a minimum attandance and time to get into chat

Sherri: guessed what?

stellema: so how will you be "up front"...what will you do differently?

Eileen: guessed that a team would not think EL was important and that they already knew it all

Sherri: oooh...duh! :-)

Sherri: tell Stellama, please

Cheryl: They just came for the tech, of course!

LauraM: people have different perceptions of what EL is, so this is something we see typically - it is not unusual to you.

Sherri: right

Eileen: I would state an agreement that I would be in chat within a certain time (some are an hour late)

¥¥¥ stellema has quit saying: Out of time using ChatNet Demo!! ¥¥¥

SharonI: We will either meet face to face with prospective class members as well as refer them to our web page with assignments (when we get that completed) so they will be better informed.

Sherri: up-front?

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LauraM: That is a good idea SharonI - a multiple learning style approach!

LauraM: f2f plus clear descriptions on web pages

Eileen: We had problems finding all 12. that was a problem and part of the grant

Sherri: We even let them see some completed projects early on

Cheryl: Keep pointing them at the pages--some seem to miss and/or skip some important details

Sherri: yes they do and have

LauraM: we usually try to cover several of these (f2f orientation if possible, info on web pages, info in hard copy, info in e-mail)

SharonI: We figured having the assignment page and time to explore the site helped us when we took the class so why not do the same for our participants.

Eileen: also the school with the grant did not have high tech skills but they are necessary for the grant

Sherri: right

Eileen: Do yu have poor attendance?

Sherri: did you screen potential participants based on tech skills?

Eileen: Sharonl?

SharonI: Eileen, sorry I didn't know you were asking. At this time we have good attendance in our class.

Eileen: tied to some incentive?

Eileen: Our ftf is best attendance

SharonI: Remember we are only working with five teachers. Three are coming on their own time, two are taking it for one hour grad credit.

Sherri: I see

Eileen: oh

Sherri: When I run this again, I will really try for a Univ sponsorship

Sherri: the grad credits a the best incentive I know

SharonI: Our district has an arrangement with a local university to offer classes internally for credit.

Sherri: We have something similar

Wed Feb 16 19:28:49 2000

Eileen: We have run into problems because we cross districts. No one ones us

Sherri: I will look into that. Didn't think about it

Sherri: thanks

¥¥¥ Cate has joined. ¥¥¥

Eileen: owns us

Sherri: right

Sherri: the political conflicts with the need

Cate: Hi! I finally woke up from my nap

Cheryl: We offer money or indistrict credit for lane movement

Sherri: hi

SharonI: We are starting small, within our own staff and hope to branch out further to other schools.

Eileen: We thought about 15!! Laura knew better!

Sherri: good strategies it sounds like

Cate: I appologize to any and all for my rudeness. The soap opera continues, or I wouldn't have needed the nap.

Sherri: ok

Eileen: hi

SharonI: greetings

LauraM: Janet, Cate is about to do a 1 or 2 session staff dev.

Sherri: again Fermi saved us

Cate: Yes, funny they changed the itinerary.

LauraM: Janet, can you quickly describe to her what you did?

stellema: sure

stellema: I did the inservice as a one man show and i only had one session...

Cate: Sounds like what will happen to me. How did it go?

stellema: so i did engaged learning and what that looks like, had them do an acitivity where they changed an existing project to make it more engaged learning...

Cate: 29That's what I thought.

stellema: then talked about hooks and had them do soem of their own hooks for upcoming activities in their classes

stellema: feel free to check out, copy whatever..

Cate: 29How was it recieved?

stellema: /ntep/f98/projects/monarch/engagedlearning.html

Sherri: Laura, bye. Thanks for having me here tonight

Cate: 29THanks! I have an idea what I want to do. It will gel when I'm closer.

Cheryl: Sherri, thanks for contributing.

stellema: good-it was about 15 teachers from my own school-so low level pressure

Sherri: Sorry, I meant that for LM only. Thanks everyone

¥¥¥ Sherri has quit saying: Hasta la vista... ¥¥¥

LauraM: Thanks Janet - Cate -hopefully this will help you with yours!

Cate: 29I appreciate the help.

Eileen: Chris did a new page that really helped us on bridging the gap. Not usure of the URL maybe Laura can point to it

Cheryl: Thanks to all who listened and contributed. Good ideas will help others.

LauraM: /lincon/el_prop_elements.shtml

SharonI: Yes, we used it at our class today. It worked very well.

Cate: 29Tell me how to get to the lincon page again for projects. I just switched over a great deal of computer info and lost some.

Eileen: One comment we had it that

LauraM: /lincon/

Eileen: it needs to not look like there is one answer

LauraM: 8 projects are listed on that page

Cate: 29THanks

LauraM: you can also use the PROJECTS link in the navigation bar

Cate: 29Ok

LauraM: eileen , you were saying ...

Eileen: bye for now. It was interesting

Eileen: well

Eileen: When we taught the bridging the gap

Eileen: It was new to us

Eileen: the teqcher edition has right and wrong answers

Eileen: the participants felt that discussion was not open ended

LauraM: well it has some points - these are not the only points that you can come to and their are many different ways to expand some of the ideas which gives some room for discussion

Eileen: yes

LauraM: that's a good point that in that discussion, you need to focus on different reasons rather than just yes no.

Eileen: The page is well written

LauraM: We should add that to the notes. Thanks Eileen.

Eileen: I think there is too much also. Enough for more than one chat

Eileen: The better part for chat was the section where they did not know thumbs up or down

LauraM: Yes -it can be used for more than one chat, so picking a subset was a good idea.

LauraM: We should add that to the notes too.

Eileen: Got to go now.

LauraM: Ok - thanks everyone for coming and for all your work out in the field.

Eileen: bye

¥¥¥ SharonI has quit saying: Ping timeout for SharonI[] ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ Eileen has left. ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ SharonIv has joined. ¥¥¥

Cheryl: Thanks again to all.

Cate: 29Sorry again for being late.

¥¥¥ stellema has quit saying: Out of time using ChatNet Demo!! ¥¥¥

Cate: 29I'll keep you informed as best I can.

LauraM: ok - are you planning ...

LauraM: for end of Feb?

SharonIv: Sorry, I was kicked out one last time. Didn't want to leave without saying thanks. This was very helpful.

Cate: 29In my head. I plan.

LauraM: glad it was helpful, have a good night

LauraM: cate - do you have a scheduled session?

Cate: 29Yes. Feb 29th

LauraM: and then the second one in March?

Cate: 29Right, but now they (powers that be) want me to teach power point at that session.

Cate: 29Somehow, I find a way to scurve the two together.

¥¥¥ SharonIv has left. ¥¥¥

Wed Feb 16 19:43:56 2000

LauraM: ok - can you teach it in the context of engaged learning or tech integration. Like having them create ...

Cate: 29That's what I thought I'd try.

LauraM: a power point presentation about how they might integrate technology in one of their units?

Cate: 29No. That wouldn't work. I know my staff. Perhaps how to incorporate engaged learning.

LauraM: ok - you know your staff best

Cate: 29Engaged learning is better with technology, but I must be prepared for the dinosaurs.

LauraM: would thinking of authentic tasks work?

LauraM: since you have already looked at hooks.

Cate: 29Perhaps later I can weasle others in. Yes authentic tasks would be good.

LauraM: ok - mull the ideas over and talk to Jill/Pat, they just did a short inservice too so they may have some ideas.

Cate: 29I found out that we use the html that come with the microsoft edition.

Cate: 29I'll be connecting with Jill soon. Right now is crazy time for her too.

¥¥¥ Cheryl has left. ¥¥¥

LauraM: ok sounds good.

Cate: 29I feel secure if you want to have a life now.

Cate: 29I'm sure you are tired too.

LauraM: ok - have a good night and thanks for stopping by.

Cate: 29TTFN

¥¥¥ Cate has left. ¥¥¥

Capture stopped on Wed Feb 16 20:53:29 2000

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