#1 capture started on Wed Sep 22 18:00:17 1999

lauram: Hi Mardean and Ina!

lauram: How are you?

MardeanB: It was good to hear from you the other day!

MardeanB: School's going well - but already too busy.

Ina: Looks neat Mardean...just checked out the general info site.

lauram: yes - that's always a problem

Ina: I had a long talk with Mike today. He's really interested in pursuing the project with his Phys Sci.

MardeanB: I was just telling Ina that Eli and I have just spent 3 hrs tonight working on our school web site -- we're doing an overhaul.

lauram: I appreciated your srtatus messages over the summer

¥¥¥ sdf has joined. ¥¥¥

MardeanB: Ina, that's what Doug was saying after school.

lauram: sounds like a lot of work

sdf: Hello everyonee

lauram: Welcome sdf!

lauram: Can I ask what you real name is?

sdf: I'm Eileen...Looking to see where this name came from?

MardeanB: Hi, Eileen

lauram: oh - you should be able to change your nickname

lauram: you are on a mac right?

sdf: Looking for it...

sdf: I'm on PC

lauram: under the IRC menu, select Change Nickname

Ina: Hi Eileen!

¥¥¥ mare has joined. ¥¥¥

lauram: Hi mare. Welcome!

mare: Hello

sdf: I'm in MCChat...looking

sdf: Hello

lauram: Mare - are you Mary Clifford?

mare: No, Mary Warren

MardeanB: Greetings from New Hampshire, Mary

lauram: ok - welcome Mary. Mary was in LInC winter 98

¥¥¥ sdf has changed nickname to Eileen ¥¥¥

Eileen: Ha!

mare: Greetings to you all.

lauram: Ina, Eileen and Mardean were in Winter 99

lauram: Shall we get started?

mare: Glad to meet you all.

Eileen: ok

mare: yes,

MardeanB: Ready

Ina: Hi Mare! All set Laura.

lauram: Ok - this first session is about how to create the web page form

lauram: The second session in one hour is about how to make the form send you e-mail with the results

lauram: But if we are faster, I will just continue

mare: Super!

lauram: Do you have a web page form started or do you want to start from scratch?

Eileen: Sherri is coming...i just called her

mare: From scratch.

lauram: 1 vote in!

Eileen: I have a page but it is wrong..

lauram: ok, thanks Eileen

MardeanB: from scratch

Eileen: So go from scratch]

lauram: ok - we have a quorom

lauram: please put your chat window on 1/2 your screen and open up PageMill to the other half

lauram: Let me know when you are there.

Ina: Laura--I'll be switching to the PC side to use may take awhile longer. I'll catch up if I fall behind.

mare: Ready here.

MardeanB: I have pagemill up

Eileen: ready

lauram: Ok Ina - you'll want to translate my instructions to FrontPage-ese

Ina: No problem!

lauram: Ok - The first step is to create form objects

lauram: using PageMill

lauram: form objects are ...

lauram: checkboxes, menus, radio buttons, text fields, ...

Ina: Laura--is anyone capturing this? Will it be posted anywhere?

lauram: These items are icons in the top right of the PageMill toolbar

lauram: I'm capturing

lauram: I'll post as well

MardeanB: Thanks

lauram: without clicking - pass your mouse over

lauram: the right half of the icons on that toolbar

lauram: an little box will pop up saying what each item is

lauram: Do you see this?

Eileen: got it

MardeanB: ok

Ina: All set.

mare: ok

lauram: For example, the first one says "insert checkbox"

lauram: great!

Wed Sep 22 18:15:32 1999

lauram: ok - go ahead and click on the checkbox and press return

MardeanB: Done

mare: ok

Eileen: done

¥¥¥ Smeehan has joined. ¥¥¥

lauram: then click on the radiobutton twice and press return

MardeanB: done

mare: so we should now have a checkbox and 2 radio buttons

lauram: yes.

Ina: Yes

Eileen: yes

¥¥¥ Sherri has joined. ¥¥¥

lauram: then press return

Eileen: Hi shreei

Sherri: hi. finally!

lauram: then click on the scrolled text icon and press return

Ina: Scrolled text icon???

mare: the next one...

lauram: It's the next icon after radiobutton

MardeanB: Got it!

mare: If Ina is in front page it might say text field??

Ina: Sorry--I'm menuing it in frontpage.

Ina: Found it.

lauram: ok great.

Smeehan: Okay I have these also.

lauram: What we just did was pick a few sample form objects

Eileen: ok

lauram: When you do one later, you can pick whatever items you need

lauram: We'll stop here and just use these 4 items as your starting example

Ina: Am I correct that radio button = one choice, checkbox if want options to select two or more?

lauram: exactly

lauram: if you have 6 radiobuttons - only one may be selected at any time

lauram: if you have 6 checkboxes, all or none can be selected

mare: got it.

Eileen: ok

lauram: ok - the next step is to give these form objects intelligent names so you can recognize them when they are e-mailed back to you

lauram: Also, we need to give a value that will be sent when the checkbox is checked or radiobutton is selected

lauram: To do this, click once on the checkbox

lauram: Then from the VIEW menu, choose SHOW INSPECTOR (if your is not already up

lauram: let me knwo when you are there

Eileen: ok

MardeanB: ok

mare: I don't have VIEW, could I have an older version of pagemill?

lauram: Mary are you on a Mac?

Smeehan: ok

mare: yes Mac 550

lauram: Stephen, are you on a Mac?

Smeehan: Yes

lauram: ok - then it is the version.

Ina: Think I'm set.

Sherri: On the mac it is "window"

lauram: Mary, is their a WINDOW menu?

mare: I found it, thanks.

lauram: great.

lauram: ok - Now type something in the name like "happy"

lauram: don't include the quotes

Eileen: ok

mare: ok

Smeehan: ok

lauram: I suggest names be in lower case

lauram: also - please no spaces in these names

lauram: sound familiar :-)

Ina: ok

lauram: Now fill in the value. What do you want your e-mail message to say if the person checks the box

lauram: so I have put in "yes" in my value

lauram: without the quotes

Eileen: ok

mare: ok

Smeehan: ok

MardeanB: ok

lauram: the "checked" field lets you pick whether you want the checkbox to be checked when your reader first looks at your form.

lauram: So you can select that or not as you prefer

Smeehan: ok

mare: ok

MardeanB: ok

lauram: Now we are done with the checkbox

Wed Sep 22 18:30:35 1999

Eileen: not sure what you mean by first checked?

lauram: click on the first readiobutton

lauram: Eillen, when your reader first gives the URL for your form and sees it on the web

Eileen: ok

lauram: i.e. the default if your reader does nothing

lauram: ok the trick with radiobuttons

lauram: is that all the radiobuttons that go together have the same name

lauram: so let's name this radiobutton "color"

lauram: and give it a value of "white"

Ina: That's how you can make two sets on the same line of a table that can be checked?!?

lauram: no quotes in either of these or in the rest of this chat

lauram: Yes Ina, the first set has one name

lauram: and the second set has another

lauram: now click on the second radiobutton

lauram: give it the same name "color"

lauram: give it a value of "black"

Smeehan: ok

MardeanB: Done

mare: ok

lauram: you can have long rows of radiobuttons this way

lauram: but two is enough to get the idea across

lauram: ok, nect click on your scrolled text field

Ina: Neat! The light goes on....

Eileen: ok

lauram: give it a name like "experience"

lauram: these names arbitrary - you'll pick your own when you fo forms later

lauram: You can decide how many rows and columns you want

mare: ok

lauram: let me know when you are done

Smeehan: ok

Eileen: ok

MardeanB: ok

lauram: Sherri - are you caught up?

Ina: Okay

Sherri: I'm not sure

lauram: have you created a few items and named them and given them values?

Sherri: I created a pg added radio buttons,

Sherri: and a text box

Sherri: I opened inspector

Sherri: OK

lauram: ok - now - every form needs a Submit button

lauram: Can't submit without it.

lauram: Add a submit button by clicking on the icon with the blue check

MardeanB: ok

mare: ok

lauram: then add a reset button by clicking on the itemn with a red x

Eileen: ok

Sherri: ok

Smeehan: ok

lauram: the reset button is optional

MardeanB: ok

Eileen: set

mare: super

Smeehan: ok reset

lauram: But if you have a form it is nice to allow the reader to clear all the fields with one button press - which is what the reset buttom does

lauram: now we need to click on the submit button you created to get the inspector

lauram: Name must be "submit"

Sherri: ok

MardeanB: ok

lauram: label can be whatever you like

Smeehan: ok

lauram: "go for it"

lauram: "submit" or something like that

Smeehan: ok

Ina: Laura--The submit & reset came up in front page when I added the first component.

lauram: sounds fine Ina - you are doing well to translate and keep up at the same time!

lauram: then click on the reset button

Eileen: ok

Sherri: I think that may have been my probelm

Eileen: what/

Sherri: not "name" submit

lauram: you can put whatever label you like on it.

lauram: Yes - Sherri

lauram: might depend on how the CGI works - but naming it submit is safest

Sherri: Good

Eileen: so why does it come to me as an unknown application?

lauram: say label it "clear"

Sherri: I have it

lauram: Eileen - the way you are using - I don't think it gives the proper header info on the mail message to identify it as text instead of some other application file

Eileen: what needs to change?

lauram: can you all Save your form to myform.html

lauram: always good to save periodically

Smeehan: ok

Eileen: ok

Wed Sep 22 18:45:44 1999

MardeanB: ok

Sherri: done

mare: ok

lauram: ok - next step is we have to tell the form what program to run when the user presses submit

¥¥¥ sdf has joined. ¥¥¥

sdf: I'm back

lauram: To do this - click anywhere in your page

¥¥¥ sdf has changed nickname to Eileen2 ¥¥¥

lauram: Hi Eileen - you only missed our SAVING the file

Ina: all set

Eileen2: I'm saved

lauram: after you click on your page (not on a form item)

¥¥¥ Eileen has quit saying: Ping timeout for Eileen[] ¥¥¥

¥¥¥ Eileen2 has left. ¥¥¥

Sherri: ok

lauram: in the inspector, click on the 3rd item at the top

lauram: it looks like a scrolled text icon

MardeanB: ok

mare: got it

lauram: for Action, fill in the URL for the script

lauram: for our server, this should be

¥¥¥ Eileen has joined. ¥¥¥

Eileen: Having server problems

Eileen: What is happening?

Sherri: should be...?

Smeehan: ok

lauram: hello

lauram: i'm back

lauram: sorry - it was sending to the console instead of this window for a few minutes

Eileen: ok

Smeehan: ok

lauram: oh - I understand

Eileen: I've been gone and back twice!

lauram: when I give the URL it thinks it is a command

lauram: I'll try this way

Smeehan: tricky

lauram: slash cgi-bin/genmail.cgi

lauram: there

lauram: no space between the slash and the cgi-bin

Eileen: I'm missing something...what is this?

lauram: it is a forward slash just like the second one

lauram: ok Eileen.

lauram: Click in your pagemill window anywhere not on a form item

Eileen: ok

Ina: Laura--I don't believe I have an "inspector" and can't locate anything similiar. Any suggestions?....If you don't know, I'll just listen and try to find later.

lauram: then in the inspector, click on the 3rd icon which looks like a scrolled text

Eileen: ok

lauram: Eileen - then for the action fill in /cgi-bin/genmail.cgi

Smeehan: ok

Sherri: Done. Hit return too?

lauram: not sure Ina - how do you usually change properties of things - like how thick a line is

lauram: don't need to hit return

lauram: for the method - you must select POST

Ina: I'll try form properties--I saw that.

lauram: Ina - I can tell you how to do it in source code if you can't find it. It's easy

Smeehan: ok

lauram: ok, now add whatever text you would like in your PageMill window.

mare: Is this the code for fnal ONLY?

Eileen: ok

lauram: The URL for the CGI script is fnal-only

lauram: The process of creating and naming fields is same for all

mare: ok, so my own server would be something else, right?

Eileen: Where are we adding the txt in page mill?

Sherri: Why not use the "mailto: our e-mail accounts?

lauram: yes. You would need a "formmail" type CGI on their server

lauram: Sherri - you can do that.

lauram: The e-mail sent with results does not look very nice

Sherri: How would we get the results of our forms from fnal?

Eileen: missing something...Where am I putting this text?

lauram: hell=yes&goodbye=no&there=people

lauram: sorry that was supposed to be hello

lauram: I am answering Sherri

lauram: Sherri - that is what your results look like with the mailto approach

lauram: This will look nicer

Sherri: ok

mare: Ok, we believe you.

lauram: Also - Eileen's mail had trouble with that approach as you told me.

lauram: ok Eileen

Eileen: worked with MAC not PC

Sherri: I was just guessing, I believe you too

lauram: This text we are adding is just extra text in the file for the viewer

mare: ok

Eileen: under the submit box?

lauram: You may want to add "happy: " before the checkbox

lauram: "color:" before the radiobuttons

lauram: experience: before the text field

Wed Sep 22 19:00:47 1999

lauram: this is just for the reader to know what they are entering

lauram: It doesn't do anything for the CGI program

Eileen: I get it... a light went on!

Sherri: like labels or directions

lauram: great - yes.

MardeanB: Done!

lauram: ok perfect. We are done with part one right on time

¥¥¥ Jan has joined. ¥¥¥

mare: Super

lauram: Hi Jan. Welcome.

Jan: Hi everyone!

lauram: We are just about to start part 2

Sherri: How do we get our results from your server?

mare: Yes, results?

lauram: please bring up your PageMill on the form you have ready to use.

lauram: ok - please save your file to myfile.html

lauram: oops - Jan cancel that

lauram: Ok. Now you should be able to quit pagemill after you have saved

lauram: please open your file in SimpleText if you have a Mac and WordPad if you have a PC

mare: Is this direction for everyone?

Sherri: Which file? the one we just created?

lauram: Yes - the one you just created and saved.

lauram: exit PageMill first

lauram: You don't want to edit the file two ways at the same time :-(

lauram: Also bring up your web browser

Sherri: Everything is in code

mare: this is gonna be a challenge, 3 windows???

Smeehan: okay I have "myform.html" opened in simpletext.

Eileen: ok open

lauram: yes.

Sherri: Browser open

Smeehan: browser open

mare: If you lose me, it means I froze....

lauram: ok.

Sherri: ok mare

mare: I'm there so far, ok.

lauram: should be ok - Chat and simpletext don't take much memory

lauram: that is the reason for not using PageMill for this part

lauram: Ok - go to the URL

Sherri: good thinking!

Sherri: which

mare: ok the cgi-bin, etc one?

lauram: /docs/genmail.shtml

lauram: No - not the CGI - If you give the CGI as the URL it will try to run the program without any form input

lauram: it will not work

lauram: The CGI is run by pressing submit on the form

mare: I don't see where we put http.... etc.

lauram: sorry - in your browser - I am asking you to go to a web page that has documentation

Eileen: found it

mare: ok

Sherri: not available

Smeehan: ok i think

lauram: do you have docs plural Sherri

lauram: do you have hyphen between www and ed

Sherri: yes

lauram: can you copy and paste

Sherri: no

mare: you can cut and paste the URL from the chat screen

lauram: /docs/genmail.shtml

Eileen: I can just click on it from chat

Sherri: /docs/genmail.shtml%0D/docs/genmail.shtml%D/docs/genmail.shtml

Sherri: /docs/genmail.shtml%0D/docs/genmail.shtml%D/docs/genmail.shtml

lauram: Sherri - erase everything from your location field

lauram: Just put the URL once

lauram: ok - others

Sherri: done

mare: I'm there.

lauram: Do you see the line starting with <FORM

Smeehan: okay

MardeanB: ok

mare: yes

lauram: The text of your <FORM statement should look exactly like this.

Eileen: ok

lauram: Mine did not work from PageMill

lauram: It left out the METHOD and ACTION part so I will have to add it.

Smeehan: I am not sure what you mean.

Sherri: yes MSIE put autotext

Sherri: got it

Eileen: I need time to work with this

lauram: in your SimpleText where you have your myfile.html opened

Eileen: ok

lauram: There should be a line that starts <FORM

Eileen: got it

lauram: This line should be the same as the documentation you are looking at in Netscape

Smeehan: I have this - < FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="/cgi-bin/genmail.cgi" >

lauram: That's perfect Stephen.

Smeehan: is that correct?

Smeehan: ok

lauram: The PC people may not have been so lucky

Wed Sep 22 19:15:56 1999

mare: same on mine

Sherri: yep me too and form by itself at the bottom

mare: right

Eileen: I'm missing the word "post

lauram: Ok - the next step is COPY and PASTE the line starting

lauram: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mail_to" ...

lauram: Eileen, go ahead and add the METHOD="post"

lauram: let me know when you are there

Sherri: < INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="required" >

Smeehan: ok

lauram: as Sherri bounds to the finish line - we are not there yet!

mare: we are to copy from web page to text file, right?

lauram: just that one line for now

Sherri: i only have it on my clipboard

lauram: starting with <INPUT TYPE=

mare: got it.

lauram: Now instead of, put your own e-mail address

Sherri: where?

mare: where are we to paste this line???

Sherri: in our myform.html?

lauram: instead of in the line you copied

lauram: Yes into myform.html after the <FORM ...> statement

Eileen: I need to watch...lost something but not much

Sherri: where?

Sherri: after the form action=?

lauram: What we are doing now is filling in some "hidden" fields that tell the form where we want it to go

lauram: Yes Sherri, you've got it

lauram: after the <FORM ...> line, press return and then copy the other line

Sherri: and leave the cgi-bin intact?

lauram: Your FORM line should look exactly like this

lauram: <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="/cgi-bin/genmail.cgi">

lauram: Then press return

lauram: Then copy in the line that says

lauram: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mail_to" VALUE="">

lauram: Then press return

lauram: instead of the - put your own e-mail address

Eileen: I think I pasted it right...

lauram: good Eileen - It's better to copy and paste

lauram: otherwise it's too easy to make typos and the text has to be exact. The computer is picky :-)

Eileen: I understand the idea...We are putting in our information into the standard form

mare: I have something after /genmail.cgi" that says ENCYTYPE=... so I put <INPUT ... after that

lauram: That's fine Mary

lauram: Sometimes PageMill adds things like that

mare: ok, good.

lauram: The important thing is that there is an ending ">" on the form statement

Eileen: I'm worried about spaces...they may gum things

mare: yes, ok

lauram: the next statment must go after that ">"

lauram: Eileen, spaces between things don't matter

lauram: unless they are in the middle of words

mare: Yes, the < and > begin and end the tags

MardeanB: Whew! - I think I got it all

lauram: ok - Do the same with the next <INPUT ...> line

Eileen: I'm with least until the test!

Sherri: this is from myform.html

lauram: put it as the next line

lauram: You get to say who the mail looks like it is coming from

lauram: so the example says

lauram: but you could put your or someoneelse's e-mail in

lauram: This is just for convenience for mail filing or for REPLYing

lauram: Ok - I think you can read through the rest and add those <INPUT ..> lines

lauram: and just ask me questions

lauram: For the mail subject - you get to decide what the subject line of the message will be.

mare: so, am I right in adding these one after another in my text?

lauram: Yes Mary.

mare: got it

lauram: For the "REQUIRED" statement - you get to decide if any of the items are required

lauram: If they are required, they will not let the user submit the form if the user has not filled those items in.

Smeehan: So we just select the input lines that seem appropriat and paste them in one at a time?

lauram: You can choose all fields or no fields to be required.

lauram: list the field names with one space between each name.

lauram: Choose the first required line if you wannt to make some fields required

lauram: Choose the second required line if you want to make nothing required.

lauram: Don't include both

Wed Sep 22 19:31:04 1999

lauram: That will be the last line you need to copy and paste

lauram: You do not need the two text fields at the bottom and you already should have a submit button

lauram: Mary - if you do this on another server with another CGI program - You should be able to use the same form

lauram: but you'll have to put in new "hidden" fields

lauram: and a new "action"

mare: ok

lauram: So it shouldn't be a lot of work to convert.

lauram: The fields are called hidden because they don't show to the reader.

lauram: When you are done, save your file, upload it into your project folder, open the URL with your browser, and press the submit button.

lauram: I'll be here for questions.

Sherri: OK, I think. *-|

Eileen: No keeping up but I have some of confused at the required ...

Eileen: all I need to do is out the required line in?

¥¥¥ Marguerit has joined. ¥¥¥

Sherri: So these hidden fields make it required for certain input by the user?

lauram: Welcome Marguerite!

lauram: Eileen, the last line you need to put in is the required line

lauram: pick one of the two

Marguerit: Hello. Sorry I just got here.

Eileen: I guess I wondered if I need to replace any wording except email?

lauram: subsititute your field names in for the sample ones if you are making some fields required

Sherri: I see.

Eileen: That is the problem...field names? refers to???

lauram: You could replace "mail_from mail_subject" with

lauram: "happy color experience"

lauram: because those were the field names used

Sherri: oops

Eileen: half way there

lauram: Sherri - the NAME="required" line lets you pick which fields in your form should be required.

Sherri: so, I could leave that alone and simply use the "subject" and mailto:?

Eileen: I know what fields are Where did they get the words "mail_from mail_subject"

lauram: That's just an example

Smeehan: Laura I chose save as. I sent it to the server and opend the document and none of the buttons or boxes were there. although the text I wrote infront of them were visible. Did i miss something.

lauram: Stephen, I'll check - what folder did you upload to

Smeehan: /help/meehan_nolan/myform.html

Eileen: I'm going to try that...I have been following directions just not sure why? and pretty sure I missed something...Will try now to save and upload

lauram: ok, checking ...

mare: same thing happened to me, I don't have a folder so I did it locally.

mare: text we copied and pasted appears, I do get all my other objects to appear.

lauram: Mary - you can't do it locally.

lauram: It expects the CGI program to be on your compyter then.

lauram: you can upload to your mwarren folder.

Smeehan: I see I have to subject inputs I will remove one of them.

mare: ok got it.

Sherri: When I put myform it showed up in code

Sherri: Do we have to open our editied myfom.html in pagemill then upload?

Sherri: hey! wait

Sherri: Eileen orver wrote my file

lauram: Do not open your edited form in Pagemill

Wed Sep 22 19:46:07 1999

Sherri: I guess I will add a 2 to myform2.html

Sherri: ok

Sherri: I am looking at eileen's form. I can see her e-mail

Sherri: address

lauram: Stephen - yours is working for me.

Eileen: my is a I knew it would. When I missed something,,,I fell behind..I need to sort it out without following the conversation

Eileen: I think I understand the concept and I know how to read html

lauram: I removed the spaces betweeb < and the tags

lauram: Everyone may need to do this

lauram: It should read <FORM ... /cgi-bin/genmail.cgi>

Sherri: will do

lauram: instead of < FORM ... /cgi-bin/genmail.cgi >

lauram: see the extra spaces after < and before >

lauram: remove the similar spaces in your other tags

Eileen: better this time...but needs work on the submit button /lincon/w99/projects/multiple/myform.html

lauram: i.e. <INPUT instead of < INPUT

Smeehan: Okay, I will keep working on mine. I still only see text. Which includes the inputs we pasted.

Sherri: search and replace, I did

Sherri: I', sending mine up now

Eileen: are you saying not to open page mill and find the submit button?

Eileen: I think it was lost in a save

lauram: Stephen, when I removed the extra spaces after < and before >, I get a good form for yours.

lauram: checkout myform3.html in your same folder - Stephen.

lauram: No Eileen, Do not load the form in Pagemill

lauram: upload it to the server

lauram: Then give the URL for the page to your web browser

Sherri: It worked Laura!

Sherri: removing the spaces...I mean

mare: I lost my submit button, will check thisout...

lauram: Hooray!!!

lauram: That's ok Mary - you can just add one in simpletext

lauram: an example is on the documentaion web page

Jan: I sent a sample form and the screen showed me what I submitted. Does that mean it worked?

Eileen: I did that already laura and founf the submit button I put it pack on the page...

Eileen: uploaded it and it wenty to fermi (with errors...)

Eileen: This is all part of m learning curve...I'm close but now need to look at all the tags

Eileen: and I have a secret weapon...Sherri got it! so I can get her to trouble shoot

Sherri: MAIL from failed. Syntax error - parameters or arguments.

lauram: Jan - did you put your e-mail address in?

Sherri: think again eileen

Sherri: Yes

lauram: Jan - check your e-mail.

Eileen: opps I spoke too soon...Sherri didn;t get it all...but at least it went to her mailbox!

Sherri: nope it never was sent

lauram: Stephen - Did you get an e-mail from my test. It says "hi stephen"

Smeehan: Okay, I have removed all of the spaces from before the input and now the input lines are hidden and all the check and radio items are there.

Smeehan: I will check

Jan: Got the e-mail! However, every word is on a separate line followed by a colon-- I have to figure that out!

Smeehan: Yes Laura I got your mail. Thanks.

lauram: Yeah!

lauram: Yes Jan - that is how it works

lauram: It returns each line with

lauram: fieldname: value

lauram: So it should say

lauram: happy: yes

lauram: color: white

Jan: This returns each word with a colon and on a separate line

lauram: experience: whatever_you_typed_in

Smeehan: bye!

lauram: Is that what you see?

¥¥¥ Smeehan has left. ¥¥¥

Jan: What: rnrndid: rnrnyou: rnrnexpect: rnrnto: rnrnlearn: rnrntoday?:

Jan: It looks like this!

Wed Sep 22 20:01:16 1999

Jan: Wait, I have an idea

Eileen: my form is looking better but still submits to fnal.../lincon/w99/projects/multiple/myform.html

Sherri: I just e-mailed you my simpletext file

Eileen: any suggestions?

lauram: Ok, Eileen, I will look at yours

Ina: Thanks everyone....nice to hear from all of you again. Goodnight.

Jan: Ok, it works!

Jan: Thanks for the help!

¥¥¥ Ina has quit saying: Ina ¥¥¥

mare: Thanks Laura, I think I need to play with this some more, this was my first attempt.

Eileen: Thanks...i enjoyed it...Was it a nightmare for you>???

lauram: Great Jan!!

Sherri: Thanks Laura

Marguerit: Hello and good bye to all.

mare: I appreciate you inviting me and enjoyed it much.

lauram: Eileen - you have 3 problems

lauram: Mary - did yours work?

Sherri: I need to work on this some more

MardeanB: I think I got it!

lauram: your e-mail adress looks wrong Eileen

Eileen: ok

mare: Not yet, I will play with it, but I think I know what's wrong, at least with the submit button...

lauram: Hooray Mardean! Great

Sherri: so, I'll probably e-mail you again later; if it is OK with you

mare: Thanks again, see you all later.

lauram: Your SUBMIT button needs to be named "submit"

Sherri: bye

lauram: Ok Mary. Good to see you.

Sherri: i'm still here

mare: Yes, I can see that I accidently erased it, bye.

lauram: Sherri - I'll work with Eileen, then she can help you.

mare: See you all later...

MardeanB: Thanks, Laura, for your help -- it's all becoming clearer now.

Eileen: ok

¥¥¥ mare has left. ¥¥¥

Sherri: OK. I will not e-mail you then.

Eileen: I know I need time to play...

Sherri: I really got a lot out of this session. Thank you Laura

Eileen: Bye for now

lauram: Eileen if you make those two changes - it should work.

MardeanB: Bye, all -- was good to "see" all again

lauram: bye mardean - thanks for stopping by,

¥¥¥ MardeanB has left. ¥¥¥

Sherri: by all! Thanks so very much

¥¥¥ Sherri has left. ¥¥¥

Eileen: bye

¥¥¥ Eileen has left. ¥¥¥

Jan: Will there be a log of the chat for next week?

lauram: Eileen - talk to you on Friday.

lauram: I will make a log of both this week and next

Jan: Thanks for everything! See you on the net...

lauram: Ok Jan - glad it worked. What did you fix?

Marguerit: did it. it goes into graphics?

Jan: I used underlines between my words on the form. Before I had spaces-- my fault!

lauram: ok - glad it was something simple. Have a great week.

Jan: Thanks and Bye!

¥¥¥ Jan has left. ¥¥¥

Marguerit: I think it sounds ok. It always sounds easier than when you do it though.

lauram: You can e-mail questions ...

lauram: you asked me about contests?

lauram: [a long time ago :-(

Marguerit: Thanks. How is everything at Fermi? - Yes I remember about the contests. . .

lauram: you can enter your project in some contests - but it depends on the contest.

lauram: basically - let me know what contest it is and I will ask our lawyers to look at the fine print.

Marguerit: I have put up a bulletin board outside my classroom with all the pictures I took out ther and will have students do research on various related topics. --

lauram: The work needs to be freely available because tax payers have already sponsored your work.

lauram: Don't let this discourage you.

lauram: We have already had a bunch of people enter and win some contests

lauram: !!

Marguerit: OK. I don't know about which contests. I did read something that AOL put out and it looked like mine would fit.

lauram: So I just need to make sure the contest organization does not wannt to own your work end details like that

Wed Sep 22 20:16:24 1999

lauram: that's fine. when your ready, just send me the URL for conference info and I will look into it.

Marguerit: I think that anything that I entered would probably fit that criteria HMMM I would have to check on the owning part as well. I didn't think about that.

lauram: It's exciting when people enter contests.

lauram: The lawyers still need to look at the rules since I'm not a lawyer.

lauram: So - Thanks for coming. Hope to see you next week.

lauram: Any questions?

Marguerit: Thanks so much for your help :) I will definitely let you know before I enter. Hope to see you next week. I may have a conflict though. I will ask Saundra if she can attend and save form me if she can. Talk to you soon.

lauram: ok have a great week.

lauram: bye

Marguerit: No questions for now. Have a good nigth.

Marguerit: bye

¥¥¥ Marguerit has left. ¥¥¥

Capture stopped on Wed Sep 22 20:30:15 1999

Author: Winter 1998 LInC Online Participants
HTML Conversion Script Author: Joanna Francis
Created: 9/22/99 - Updated: Sep 29, 1999
URL: /lincon/w98/chats/990922/chan1.shtml