Organizing Project Web Pages for Your Students


Have an approved project idea.
Have written a student task scenario.
Have a list of goals and objectives.


To create student pages using an HTML editor


Now that you have your student task scenario written, you need to give some thought to the other types of Web pages your students will use, or in some cases, create. Look back over the objectives you have listed for this project/unit. What types of pages would be helpful to students in getting started or focused on their task? There are many ways to structure the student pages, and of course, since these projects are student-centered and directed, this structure needs to be flexible. The types of assistance and structure you offer students should be age and subject appropriate.

Your project will almost certainly be visited by other teachers and students. Although you may plan to share important information and directions with students in class, be sure to include this information somewhere on the student pages. This information will be needed by visitors to your project on the Web, but it can also be used by students in your own class. Students who are out of class due to illness, or who have just entered your class, will need the information on these pages. Students also will just want to revisit this information as a means of self-monitoring their own progress.

Here is a list of some common pages found in online projects. The list is not all inclusive and you will find that some will fit your project while others will not. This list is intended as a help to you as you create your project pages. If you are more comfortable looking through existing projects, feel free to do so.

Student Task Scenario - (You should already have this piece.)

Assignment Page - Many projects include a page where all assignments will be listed and explained.

Resource Page - Some projects include a list of resources for students to use on their project. This is especially helpful for non-Internet resources found in the classroom or school resource center.
Searching Page - Searching for useful information requires skill. In some cases you might find it helpful or necessary to offer a short list of sites for students to get started on research. It goes without saying that you should do your own search and read the pages to be certain the information is available, correct, and age appropriate for your students.
NOTE: Annotations for each link you place on a student page is the type of help that really pays off letting the student know the main focus of each site.
Computer-Mediated Communication - The opportunity to communicate with experts and peers is one of the most dynamic aspects of the Internet. Many projects attempt to link students with mentors or other students. You may wish to create pages that include information about how to contact possible mentors and experts and how to get started using any one of the many forms of Internet communication.
However you wish to assist students with their communication, this is one of the most important pieces in a successful engaged learning project.
Student-Authored Page - Students may find it necessary, useful or just an interesting way to report and share information. Pages that help students get started and help them organize their work can be constructed. Student pages are excellent tools for students to share their work with a world-wide audience.
Assessment Page - Create a page that lists the rubric you plan to use to evaluate student performance. This page is extremely helpful to students in planning and evaluating their own work.


To save time in creating your pages, we have developed templates for you to use. Contact your facilitator for instructions on how to obtain and begin using these templates.  

What to do: Keep working on your project/unit. If you have questions, send e-mail to your facilitator. Look at the assignment page to see when the project is due.