Apprentice Questions


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These questions may be printed out to hand out to students along with the general information about guilds to help them with their decisions about a guild to choose, as well as questions to guide their research.

Luigi's Lecture Hall


Well met! and welcome to Luigi's Lecture Hall, the first stage of your apprenticeship! Please, be seated at the table over there.

As an apprentice, you will eventually be preparing yourself to eventually present your masterpiece at the Great Guild Hall - hired out as a journeyman, or hired day laborer for one of our town's projects. As you proceed through your Renaissance apprenticeship period , you will want to learn as much as possible about your chosen field (or the field chosen for you). As you gather information during your research and working with your master, you will be gaining the needed skills that will be reflected in a final masterpiece. Your goal is to be hired as a journeyman ( or journeywoman) by one of the best masters!

Remember, the skills that are reflected in your masterpiece must mirror the advances and limitations of Renaissance.

You musn't appear a clodpate before the jury of masters later on, so be sure to note the names of famous fellow apprentices and masters who have paved the way for the ideas that you eventually use for your masterpiece. Failure to do so is looked down upon as thievery and could end your apprenticeship and land you in court, or worse: one of our jails, neither a pleasant experience during our time.

To get you started, consider the following questions as you decide upon which guild to petition. These self-same questions are what you must learn during your apprenticeship. I'm quite certain that you will have your own questions, as well, as you gain experience during your apprenticeship; jot them down and answer them as you proceed.

Available apprenticeships:
And, my . . . yes, yes, yes. For the fairer ones in this room, one must excuse my use of 'he' - after all, our world is a man's world, as you will come to discover.

Apprentice to an Architect designing a Palatial Estate, Cathedral, Hospital, University, Globe Theatre, place of business, designing a town mall (marketplace)

- Name of your guild? Philosophy of design? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work?
Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? For what donations is your guild responsible and why? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What should be kept secret and why?

What construction skills and techniques must you learn or know about? What are the hazards of your work? Math: What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you? Technology (tools) available? What innovative technology can be built into your work or have you or others discovered? (14th to 17th century versions of 20th century technology? Is the older better? In what ways?) Special features of your project that you must build into your design? Technology needed? (You may have to do some inventing to complete your project - but within the limits of the Renaissance.)

Sanitation: a concern in design? Particular problems you may run into with your project? Building materials available from where? Special guilds for them? Decorative art for your design? What other guild(s) will you need to know about or use? In what way(s)?

What have you learned that 20th century architects and builders use today as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to a Mercer, Dealer in Cloth, Spinner of Cloth, Clothing Shoppe Merchant to outfit the royal entourage for an upcoming wedding.


- Name of your guild? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work? Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? Particular problems your guild faces? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild responsible for and why? What should be kept secret and why?

Steps of a process that you must learn? What innovative technology will be built into your work or have others discovered? (14th to 17th century versions of 20th century technology? Is the older better? In what ways?) What are the hazards in your line of work? Solutions that have been tried? Special features of your project that you must build into your design? Technology needed? (You may have to do some inventing to complete your project - but within the limits of the Renaissance!) Skills and techniques you must learn or know about? Math: needed? for what? What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you?

Philosophy of design? Comfort in design? Changes in philosophy of design? What related guilds are or will be a part of the processes you must follow to complete your masterpiece? Can your guild finish a process alone without the help of other guilds? Why or why not?

Materials available: varieties? from where? Thread: what? made by? Patterns: yes, no? What were they like? Decorative arts or crafts for your designs or clothes? Closures: How did Renaissance folk keep their clothes 'buttoned'? Undergarments: were there any and purpose? Who made them? Coats, cloaks, shoes, hats, gloves, (accessories): made by whom from what guilds?

What have you learned that 20th century clothiers and designers use today as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to a Barber, Physician, Herbalist (Apothecary) to staff a new hospital.

- Name of your guild? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work? Special clothing that your guild members must wear? Why? Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? Particular problems your guild faces? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild responsible for and why? What should be kept secret and why?

Course of study? What books will you be using? By? Philosophy of medicine? Philosophy about disease, curing disease, and hygiene? Based on whose ideas or what beliefs? What will your role be as barber, physician, herbalist? What is the patient's role? Skills and techniques you must learn or know about? Artists who have helped your field of study? Math: needed? for what? What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you?

Steps of a process that you must learn? Materials needed for your line of work? Accepted methods of treatment for specific diseases, in particular, the Plague? Cautions, hazards in your line of work? What precautions are you taught to take for yourself? for your patients? Technology (tools) available? What innovative technology will be built into your work or have others discovered to meet special needs? (14th to 17th century versions of 20th century technology? Is the older better? In what ways?) Solutions that have been tried?

What guilds work with yours? Why this method of organization?

What have you learned that 20th century doctors, dentists, or pharmacists use today as a result of ideas, discoveries, and techniques from the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to an Alchemist, Scientist, Astronomer to engage in scientific inquiry and design new tools.


- Name of your guild? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work or beliefs? Special clothing that your guild members must wear? Why? Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? What mathematical 'news' has someone from your guild discovered? Particular problems, superstitions your guild must deal with? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild responsible for and why? What must be kept secret and why?

Course of study? What books will you be using? By? Techniques must learn or know about? Cautions, hazards? Math: What math must you know or will you be using? What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you? Technology (tools) available? What innovative technology will be built into your work or have others discovered? (14th to 17th century versions of 20th century technology? Is the older better? In what ways?) Technology needed (you may have to invent)? Guilds will use to do this? Decorative art for your implements? Which ones? Which guild and/or famous master has helped you?

Special features of your guild's work area? Sanitation: a concern? Particular problems you are working on to solve? Guilds may use to do this?

What have you learned that 20th century chemists, scientists, mathematicians, or astronomers use today as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to a Lawyer, Judge, or Banker to prepare for an upcoming trial

- Name of your guild? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work or beliefs? Special clothing that your guild members must wear? What does each piece signify? Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild responsible for and why?

Course of study? What books will you be using? By? Philosophy of law (or banking/ money changing)? Particular problems your guild must be ready to solve?

For those of you studying law: how is guilt or innocence determined in general? for particular crimes? How is court run? How are cases tried? What are the roles of the defense and prosecuting attorney? Are you called an attorney? If not, what? Is there a jury system? Explain. Particular laws that you found lenient, harsh? Jail conditions, jail terms and sentences for the accused? Famous case or cases? Cautions to the public?

For you bankers, in particular: how is money minted? weighed? designed and by what guild? What does it look like? How much are different coins worth by 20th century standards? What can money buy during the Renaissance compared to the time period to which you will be returning? How is banking conducted compared to 20th century practices? What are the various philosophies about money and money lending, collateral, charging interest on a loan? Why? Who can and cannot apply for a loan? Why?

For all of you: skills and techniques you must learn or know about? Steps in a process that you must know or memorize? Special materials needed for your line of work? Math: needed? for what? What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you? What guilds work with yours? Why? Technology (tools) available? What innovative technology will be needed or have others discovered to meet special requirements that your field of work needs? Which guilds will likely help with that? (14th to 17th century versions of 20th century technology? Is the older better? In what ways?) Solutions that have been tried?

What have you learned that 20th century lawyers, judges, and bankers use today as a result of ideas, techniques, and problems they faced during the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to a shipbuilder, mapmaker, Carpenter, Armourer, Physician, butcher, Astronomer readying for a lengthy voyage

- What are all of the materials that would be needed for a long voyage: for the men and for the ship? Which guild would you want to apprentice? For this particular project, consider food preservation, storage, and preparation; clothing for all kinds of weather and conditions; defense; plotting and maintaining a route (course); medical supplies and practicioners. What else would be needed for a voyage with which a guild would involved?

Which guild would you apprentice? Then brainstorm for and research the skills and techniques you must learn or know about?

In particular, consider these as a beginning point:
Math: What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you? Science: What scientific 'news' and philosophy will help you with your guild's preparation for this voyage? Technology (tools) available? Technology needed? Innovative technology you have to design? Special features of a voyage that you must consider as a member of your guild? Sanitation: a concern? Particular problems your guild may run into with this project? Building materials needed? Building materials available from where? Special guilds for them? Decorative art for anything? Why? What guild(s) would you use? Famous innovators you've met along the way?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to an Artist, Glassblower, Sculptor, Musician, Musical Instrument Maker or Composer to prepare for a festival or wedding feast or to work on art commissioned for a cathedral.

- Name of your guild? In which special guild must you start before you can proceed to work with a master in the field of painting, sculpture, etc.? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work or beliefs? Special clothing that your guild members must wear? Under what conditions? What does each piece signify? What change in philosophy about art has enabled your guild to exist and develop? What is different about the Renaissance philosophy of art and music compared to that of the Middle Ages? Who do the visual or performing arts depend upon to exist? Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild responsible for and why?

Philosophy of design/art, music? Skills and techniques you must learn or know about? Steps in a process that you must follow? Why? Of what significance is math in your field of study? What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you in the 'works' that you create? What has that 'news' opened up for you as an artist, sculptor, glassblower, misician, instrument designer/builder, etc.? Technology (tools) available? Special features or requirements of your work that you must consider in your training? Cautions, hazards of your work? Materials for your work is available from where? Special guilds for them? What other guild(s)do you work with? Particular problems you may run into with your work? What innovative technology is built into your work or have you or others discovered? (14th to 17th century versions of 20th century technology? Is the older better? Equivalent? In what ways?) Special features of your project that require new technology? (You may have to do some inventing to complete your project - but within the limits of the Renaissance.)

Where will your work be displayed or performed? Describe it. What must be kept in mind when you propose and present a project to be developed and completed? Who will perform your music? What must you keep in mind concerning those who will be your audience, who will perform your work, and the instruments to be used ?

What have you learned that 20th century artists, musicians, glassblowers, musical instrument makers, and composers use today as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to a Master Cook/Chef for a banquet or festival


- What are all of the materials that would be needed for a banquet? For this particular project, consider food preservation, storage, and preparation. Then brainstorm for and research the skills and techniques you must learn or know about?

- Name of your guild? In which special guild must you start before you can proceed to work with a master chef? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work or beliefs? Special clothing that your guild members must wear? Under what conditions? What does each piece signify? What changes during the Renaissance have affected your field of study and how banquets are conducted? What festivals are most important to celebrate? How is that done with special foods, recipes, dishes? Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild responsible for and why?

Course of study? What books will you be using? By? Philosophy about food, preparation, processing, and presentation? Manners and customs that must be learned for your field of work? Skills and techniques must you learn or know about? Best and/or most unique techniques, beliefs, recipes? Special math skills that are needed? Materials for your work available from where? Special guilds for them? What other guild(s)do you work with? Technology (tools) available? Innovative technology you may want to use? Special features of your work that you must consider in your training? Cautions, hazards? Particular problems you may run into with your work? What secrets are you pledged to keep for your guild and why?

What have you learned that 20th century chefs and banquet-goers use today as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Apprentice to a Master Printer setting up a new print shop in England.


- What are all of the materials that would be needed for setting up a new print shop? For this particular project, consider consumable supplies such as ink and paper, outside labor contacts such as binders and illuminators or scribes, start-up equipment such as presses and type. Then brainstorm for and research the skills and techniques you must learn or know about?

- Name of your guild? In which special guild must you start before you can proceed to work with a master printer? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work or beliefs? Special clothing that your guild members must wear? Under what conditions? What does each piece signify? What changes during the Renaissance have affected your field of study and how printing is done? What books are most important to print? What other types of work do printers do in order to bring in money? Who have been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild responsible for and why?

Course of study? What books will you be using? By? Philosophy about printing and the written wordfood? Manners and customs that must be learned for your field of work? Skills and techniques you must learn or know about? Best and/or most unique techniques, beliefs, books? Special math skills that are needed? Materials for your work available from where? Special guilds for them? What other guild(s)do you work with? Technology (tools) available? Innovative technology you may want to use? Special features of your work that you must consider in your training? Cautions, hazards? Particular problems you may run into with your work? What secrets are you pledged to keep for your guild and why?

What have you learned that 20th century printers use today as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?

3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________



Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office, Friends of Fermilab, United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, and North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Authors: Bonnie Panagakis, Chris Marszalek, Linda Mazanek
School: Twin Groves Junior High School, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089
Created: November 25, 1997 - Updated: