Fermilab LInC Online

 LInC Partnership Program Plan for 2000/2001

Team: The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation


LInC Online Course

Test chat date: Thursday, January 10, 2002 Chat meeting day before class starts to meet facilitators and classmates and to make sure chat software is working
Start date: Thursday, January 13, 2002 First day of class 
End date: Thursday, April 25, 2002 Last day of class - Typically the class lasts 14 weeks, not counting the test chat or vacations.
Chat meeting day: Thursdays Day(s) of week you will hold your chats - Typically at least 2 hours weekly is needed.
Chat start/end time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern Time Time of day your chats will be held, include time zone - Typically at least 2 hours weekly is needed.
Weekly staff meeting day/time: Thursdays after chat (30 minutes) and Mondays 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time. Both meetings are online. Day of week and time (including timezone) you will get together for weekly staff meetings - Typically at least one hour is needed.
Audience: Woodrow Wilson biology, chemistry, environmental science, and math teachers. Describe the primary audience for your course.
Number of participants: 12 to 16 participants with 4 facilitators
(Deborah Engel-DiMauro, Kim Noethen, Miles Robinson, and Brian Schad)
12-20 is the suggested number for a first course. Please do not exceed 24. Typically each facilitator works with 4-6 participants (1-3 project-teams).
Course modification (optional): Before the beginning of the course, participants will submit a photo and biographical sketch to be posted on the course homepage. They will be encouraged to get to know each other by communicating on a participant list serv. Describe the modifications (if any) you are planning for the course. You may need to make modifications if you have a different audience such as pre-service teachers. If you do not need to make modifications for a different audience, you may wish to avoid making a lot of changes until after you have offered the course one or two times and feel more comfortable with the process and tradeoffs.

Facilitator Academy

Start date: June 24, 2002 First day of facilitator academy - This is typically offered over the summer.
Number of days: 4 Length of your academy - Typically this is 3 days for participants who will be offering a shorter staff development than a full LInC course. Your participants are not expected to offer a full LInC course or an online course.
Academy format: face-to-face Online or face-to-face

Course Enrollment

Coordinator: Deborah Engel-DiMauro
(609) 452-7007 ext. 122

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
CN 5281
Princeton, NJ  08543-5281
Who will be taking the lead for organizing this aspect? Please include contact information (e-mail, phone, and address).
Announcement date:

August 31, 2001: Invite selected Woodrow Wilson teachers to apply. This round of applications will be due on October 1, 2001.

October 2, 2001: If space permits, announce course to all biology, chemistry, environmental science, and math teachers. This round of applications will be due November 10, 2001.

When will your team start announcing the course to others? Typically this needs to be started 4 months before your course starts.
  • Email selected Woodrow Wilson teachers.
  • E-mail the Woodrow Wilson Leadership Program for Teachers alumni listserv.
  • Send flyers to Woodrow Wilson Leadership Program for Teachers math and science alumni.
  • If timing works out properly, include an article in the Woodrow Wilson newsletter announcing the course and inviting biology, chemistry, environmental science, and math teachers to apply.
  • Announce at regional NSTA conferences and the national NABT conference. 
What steps will you take to let prospective participants know about your course? Who will you e-mail, meet with, call, or U.S. mail? In what publications and listservs can you post information about your course? When is the deadline for inclusion in these publications? What events can you attend to let potentially interested parties know about the course?
  • 6 graduate credits at low cost 
  • Opportunity to get funding for leading online outreach courses
What incentives can you provide to your course participants?
Credit: The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation is exploring possibilities with several universities it has worked with in the past (Pace University, Rider University, University of Illinois- Springfield). How will you arrange to have credit granted for your course? What is the process for getting a new course approved? What deadlines are involved?
Screening: Online application with questions about technical prerequisites, vision for effective use of technology, availability for program commitments; committee of 4 facilitators to review applications How will you make sure your applicants have the qualifications needed to be successful in your course?
Leadership: Online application with questions about support needed and past staff development experience; support letter from key administrator listing the needed support items How will you make sure your applicants have the administrative support and capabilities needed to provide leadership and offer staff development in their schools/district after the course?

Technical Issues and Support

Technical Support: Dave Siwiak
609-452-7007 ext. 162
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
CN 5281
Princeton, NJ  08543-5281
Who will set up the communication tools for your course and provide support on technical issues? Please include contact information (e-mail, phone, and address).
Clerical Support: Geri Marchioni
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
CN 5281
Princeton, NJ  08543-5281
Who will provide clerical support such as copying course handouts, sending out mailings, taking course registrations, updating assignments status sheet, ... Please include contact information (e-mail, phone, and address).
Web/FTP Server: ftp://www.woodrow.org Give the URL of the web server you will use to provide your class-specific materials such as home page, assignment sheet, and chat schedule. This web space (50-100M) with FTP access needs to be available to you by the time you arrive at the facilitator academy at Fermilab. Then you can upload your work from the academy right into your class web site. The LInC core materials will be available on the LInC web site. These should not be copied.
Electronic Bulletin Board: Discus (not sure yet) What bulletin board software will you use for your course? If your agency already provides bulletin board software, you can use that if it is accessible to your intended audience. Most past LInC teams have chosen to use the free www.blackboard.com bulletin board software for their course. Whatever software you choose, it will need to be available to you by the time you arrive at the facilitator academy at Fermilab. Then you can populate it with postings for your course while you are at the academy. If you chose blackboard.com, we can help you get a class board at the academy. (Note: We are not associated with blackboard.com and do not receive any funds from them.)
Chat tool: IRC (probably) What chat communication server software will you use? Most past teams have used IRC server software that works with MSChat and ChatNet. Your chat server software is not required for the academy, though it would be a good opportunity to test it. Your chat server software should be up and running at least 30 days before your course starts.

Other Issues

What issues or obstacles do you anticipate? How will you address them?

Course facilitators live in several different states and will not be able to meet in person.  We may need additional time to meet online or for conference phone calls. 

We expect to have participants from both east and west coasts, so we will have to schedule chats and office hours at times that are possible for educators on either coast.


There will be a range of staff development goals among academy partipants. Some will want to learn how to be a LInC facilitator, others will want to prepare to offer an online or partially online Woodrow Wilson TORCH workshop, and others will organize smaller-scale staff development experiences for their local or community. At the academy, particpants will be grouped according to their staff development goals, not according to their LInC Online project group.

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author: Deborah Engel-Di Mauro (engel@woodrow.org
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation-- Princeton, NJ
Created: February 15, 2001 - Updated: June 22, 2001
URL: /lincon/w01/projects/genethics/staffdev.html