Fermilab LInC Online

Route 66




Student Pages

Subject: Geography, History, Language Arts, Science (Technology).

Grade Level: 4th or 5th

Abstract:4th or 5th Grade students will research the history of Route 66 and in particular the history pertaining to Illinois. They will use this knowledge in preparation of a Route 66 Festival.

Learner Description/Environment: Approximately 100 4th Grade Students from middle to low socio economic backgrounds, special education students are included in the classrooms.

Time Frame: This project will last approximately 3 weeks with the classes working 3 days a week for approximatley 1 hour a day.

Rationale:The goal is to help the students in learning to conduct research on the Internet and to use that information to locate organizations and individuals to be involved in the Route 66 Festival.

Learner Outcomes:

Students will be able to research the history of Route 66 utilizing the Internet.

Students will be able to create a Web Page to advertise the Festival.

Students will be able to recruit organizations and individuals to attend the Festival.

Students will be able to write letters of Invitation.

Students will be able to gather data on local culture and geographical conditions in the various areas of Route 66 studied. ie. populataion, impact on businesses, sites of interest, etc.

Alignment with Standards: This project meets the guidelines of the State of Illinois Academic Standards:

Social Science Goal 15 - A, B

Social Science Goal 16 - A, B, C, D, E

Social Science Goal 18 - A, B, C

Language Arts Goal - 1-C

Language Arts Goal - 2-B

Language Arts Goal - 3-A,B,C

Language Arts Goal - 5-A,B,C

Science Goal - 11-B

Science Goal - 13-B

Structure of the Learning:

Content: Research history on the Internet of Route 66 and web page constructiion. Conduct interviews of people in person and by e-mail.

Process: Development of ways to disseminate information ound on the net and by interviewing people.

Product: Letters, Web Page, Classroom Presentations.

Assessment:The students' final products will be a Student Web Page, Letters of Invitation and Classroom Presentations.

Project/Unit Evaluation: The projects will be evaluated by the quality of the student materials created and the level of student interest. The District S.S. assessment means, should also be higher.



Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office, Friends of Fermilab, United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, and North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium (NCRTEC) which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Authored by James H. Elder (e-mail)
Braidwood Elementaary School
Braidwood, Illinois
Created on May 6, 1998
URL: http:.//www-ed.fnal.gov/lincon/w98/projects/route66/