Harrison J. Dunebuggy, your guide

(aka, "Duney")






Do you know how animals become endangered?

Do you know what you can do to protect these animals?

You are invited to participate in an exciting project!

We are taking a trip to the Indiana National Lakeshore. We are trying to protect the habitats in our area. You will gather, collect, compile and compare information, view a virtual field trip, talk to experts and complete student activities to help with your decision making. You will discuss and share the information with your group and others. You will become creators, consumers and critics of the information you share. You will organize your information into databases that others may use to study. You will choose an endangered animal to adopt, once you have gathered enough information. You can use this information and present it to your community. You may want to hold a public forum or public awareness meeting. You may also decide to start or join a wildlife protection club in your school or community. So, meet Duney, your tour guide and have a good trip!


Introduction / Home  Dunes Definitions Dunes History Ask an Expert
Levels of Endangerment Reasons for Endangerment

Grading Project
 Researching your endangered animal
 Dunes Quiz Endangered Species Review

Location of the Dunes