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 Block 1

 Block 2

 Block 3 

 Block 4

Assignment Block 2

Week 5
Students choose one of the questions posted to research. Utilize at least one Internet source and any other resources to complete a short 1-2 page typed paper on the topic.
Submit the paper to the teacher.(See Rubric for Second Writing Assignment.)
Week 6
Students post (to the COW) an annotated list of 5 Museums on the Internet that have information relating to questions about war.
Week 7
Students post an annotated list to the COW of the five best Internet sites that provide answers to questions asked in Week 1.
Week 8
The class brainstorms ideas for web sites. These choices will be narrowed down so that the class may reach a consensus on the topic for their project. The class may also decide on whether the project is a for the whole class, groups, or individual students.
Based on previous listings, the class creates a resource list of Internet sites and posts it to the COW.
General Guidelines
Post both individual assignments and group assignments to the COW unless instructed otherwise. At least one assignment will be turned in each week. Each person is responsible for submitting at least one group report during each assignment block(teacher assigns groups for first two blocks and students select groups for final two blocks.)
To get help with assignments or guidance with the use of technology, the teacher's rule is to "Ask three before you ask me"- ask three students from your class before asking the teacher or media specialist. If you still have a question or need help, choose one of the following:
1- e-mail your teacher or the media specialist with your question
2- post a question in the Conferencing on the Web (COW)
3- ask the teacher or media specialist
Go to Assignment Block 1

Go to Assignment Block 3

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Jim Caldwell, Jan Jungk
School: Carrollton High School, Carrollton, Illinois
Created: March 10, 1999 - Updated: May 1, 1999
URL: /lincon/w99/projects/chswar/block2.html