Project Rubric


Point Value 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 - 4 Points

Daily/weekly documents


points x 2 =


*All documentation completed and handed in.

*Reflection of work evident



*Almost all documentation completed and handed in

*Slight reflection of work evident


*Some documentation is completed and handed in

* Little or no reflection about work evident


*No documentation handed in

*No reflection about work attempted



Big6 Process


# points x 1 =


*Big6 organizer and evaluation complete

*All resources cited recorded accurately on electronic forms

*All forms saved to student folder

*Big6 organizer and evaluation completed

*Some of the resource information is cited accurately

*Only some forms saved to student folder

*Big6 organizer and evaluation incomplete

*Only a few resources recorded or resources not recorded electronically

*No attempt to save forms electronically

*Big6 organizer and evaluation not completed

*Resources not cited

*No forms saved in any fashion

Promotional Brochure


# points x 2 =


*Technologically created

*Design appeal evident

*Includes graphics and text

*Promotes the community it is designed to represent


*Most components technologically created

*Some design appeal evident

*Includes some text and graphics

*Attempts to promote community half-heartedly

*Created with little aid from technologies

*Little or no design appeal evident

*Uses text or graphics, but not both

*Does little or nothing to promote community

*No brochure attempted







# points x 3 =


*Storyboard completed using Inspiration software

*Internet and other non-print resources used

*Completed with technology only

*Promotes community

*Design and audience appeal highly evident

*Storyboard attempted using Inspiration software

*Some Internet and other non-print resources used

*Mostly completed with technology

*Attempts to promote community

*Design and audience appeal somewhat evident

*Storyboard completed using Inspiration software

*Internet and other non-print resources used

*Completed with technology only

*Promotes community

*Design and audience appeal highly evident

*No presntation attempted









# points x 1 =


*Weekly evaluations completed

*2 Web page evaluations pertaining to project completed

*Big6 evaluation completed

*Project evaluation completed

*Three of the four required evaluations completed




*Half of the required evaluations completed




*Only one or one of the required evaluations completed



Total Points











Team Members







return to rubric

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Pam Birkeland, e-mail:
School: Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative, Shelby, MT
Created: April 18, 1999
URL: /lincon/w99/projects/heritage/projectrubric.html