Michigan's Governor Engler has called for teachers to increase their technology skills and effectively integrate technology into the classroom. He claims that Michigan schools have dramatically increased the availability of information and communications technologies, but are still struggling to integrate these technologies into the curriculum. Over one million dollars has been set aside to encourage teachers to get this training. To assist the Governor in this effort, the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators and the REMC Association of Michigan have sponsored a contest to find the Best Practices of Technology Integration in Michigan. This series is designed to meet this challenge. Your group's challenge is to develop a collaborative lesson for your discipline that includes the best practices in teaching, integrates technology, uses at least two of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences and supports the Michigan Curriculum Framework.

Multiple Intelligences and Technology is a series of workshops which is sponsored by a NextDay Grant and designed to give you the tools that you will need to integrate technology using engaged learning and the principals of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. You will meet monthly after school for five sessions and between sessions meet at an assigned time in a chat room.

Mission: work in a team with two other elementary educators from your school and develop a collaborative lesson which uses engaged learning, at least two uses for technology and addresses at least two Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.

Final Product: a collaborative lesson developed for your disciplines, that incorporates the principals of engaged learning, includes at least two forms of technology including the Internet, and involves tasks that address at least two Multiple Intelligences. You will publish this lesson on a home page that organizes these lessons by discipline. Your lesson will also be sent to the Best Practices of Technology Integration in Michigan contest sponsored by the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators and the REMC Association of Michigan. Those chosen will be published on a CD that is distributed to all the schools in Michigan.

To begin ...

Any teacher from any public or private elementary school in the Detroit area. may enroll. This may include administrators, media specialists or classroom teachers.

You need to email Eileen Heasley as soon as possible to determine if spots are still open.

After determining that you are in the class, you must fill out a completed registration.

Send it with your $25 registration fee.

Here are the lessons...


Lab 1

Lab 2

Lab 3

 Lab 4

Lab 5



 Multiple Intelligences

 Engaged Learning

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.
Funded by the Governor's NextDay Grant and supported by The College of Education, Western Michigan University and WayneRESA.

Author(s): Eileen Heasley (eheasley@home.com); Sherri Johnson (slynnj@ix.netcom.com)
School: Detroit Public Schools. Detroit, Michigan Created: March 1, 1999 - Updated: December 2, 1999
URL: /lincon/w99/projects/multiple/student.html