A View With No Slant




Time Lines

On-Line Resources

 Library Resources

 Experts E-mail Addresses

Student Proposal

Student Record 



Before you progress, print out the Acceptable Use Policy, read, sign and turn it in.


The following tasks will help you complete your project. See Time Lines for required dates of completion. See Assessment for range of scores for tasks completed.

  1. Brain storm possible topics in class.

  2. Choose a topic for you to research using On-line Resources and/or Library Resources. Post your proposal at Student Proposal. You may change your proposal later. (See Time Lines) The topic must be approved by the teacher.

  3. Research information about a historical event such as WWII in your native language and in the Japanese language. See On-line Resources and Experts for electronic resources. See Library Resources for books and print materials.
    1. Use the Internet to research historical information
    2. Communicate through e-mail with museums, newspapers, other sources of historical information 
    3. Write a paper to compare researched information from both cultures, for bias and accuracy
    4. In this paper, discuss your experience of how you were taught and/or told by parents and teachers and mass media. Seek experiences of someone in Japan as to how they were taught about the event.

  4. Post and submit your progress including resource information using Student Record page each week. By doing so, you will be sharing the information on helpful web sites with the other classmates. The sites will be posted in On-line Resources page and they will be up-dated by the teacher each week based on your postings. Be sure to check this page each week.

  5. Be prepared to present your progress in class at the end of each week.

  6. Relate the past event to a current event in the area of the economy, current conflicts, business, education, or social life by choosing to do at least one of the following at the annual Foreign Language Festival in March. Keep a record of the current event that you are pursuing by reading on-line Japanese newspapers each day.
    1. Present a performance written with comments and info learned during your communications with Japan
    2. Produce a video of the play
    3. Prepare and serve food from the Japanese culture
    4. Display digital photos you've e-mailed back and forth
    5. Create an electronic report or slide show
    6. Prepare music and dance to relay their information
    7. Other project to be approved by Stone Sensei

  7. Design a web site for your project, to share with those who cannot be at the festival. Be sure to follow these guidelines: (see Assessment and Getting Started with Writing Web Pages)
    1. Pages are easy to read
    2. Pages contain good navigation between links
    3. Student observed copyright and citation.
    4. Page contains correct spelling and grammar
    5. Pages are easy to read
    6. Pages contain good navigation between links
    7. Pages contain working links and images
    8. Pages contain pleasing colors and fonts
    9. Pages are attractive with balanced layout between text and graphics 
    10. Pages have a reasonable load time
    11. Pages have working links to evaluated, pertinent web sites
    12. Pages have your contact/e-mail information
    13. Provided for site maintenance and updating


Submit your progress using Student Record page.

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Chris Rogers & Kazuko Stone
School: Green Bay, Wisconsin Team
Created: March 1, 1999 - Updated: April 30, 1999
URL: /lincon/w99/projects/viewslant/stutask.html