Knowing the Western Hemisphere




(1 Point)


(2 Points)


(3 Points)

Very Good

(4 Points)


(5 Points)


Reported on 1-2 areas. Produced a visual. Reported on 3-4 areas. Produced a visual. Reported on 4 or more areas. Produced a visual and contacted an expert or received email from student from country studied. All of the prior and made various contacts with experts/students.  Posted report on web page. All of the prior and produced a slide presentation or multiple web pages.

 Meteorologist/ Climatologist

Reported on 1-2 areas. Produced a visual. Reported on 3-4 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 4 or more areas. Produced a visual and contacted an expert or received email from student from country studied. All of the prior and made various contacts with experts/students.  Posted report on web page. All of the prior and produced a slide presentation or multiple web pages.


Reported on 1-2 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 3-4 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 4 or more areas. Produced a visual and contacted an expert or received email from student from country studied. All of the prior and made various contacts with experts/students.  Posted report on web page. All of the prior and produced a slide presentation or multiple web pages.


Reported on 1-2 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 3-4 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 4 or more areas. Produced a visual and contacted an expert or received email from student from country studied. All of the prior and made various contacts with experts/students.  Posted report on web page. All of the prior and produced a slide presentation or multiple web pages.

Media Reporter

Reported on 1-2 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 3-4 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 4 or more areas. Produced a visual and contacted an expert or received email from student from country studied. All of the prior and made various contacts with experts/students.  Posted report on web page. All of the prior and produced a slide presentation or multiple web pages.

Travel & Leisure Reporter

Reported on 1-2 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 3-4 areas. Produced a visual.  Reported on 4 or more areas. Produced a visual and contacted an expert or received email from student from country studied. All of the prior and made various contacts with experts/students.  Posted report on web page. All of the prior and produced a slide presentation or multiple web pages.


Total Group Score For


(Name of Country Studied)


Meteorologist/ Climatologist



Media Reporter

Travel & Leisure Reporter

Total Score for Group

. . . . . . .


Occupational Guide Sheet

Each student receives a copy of the Task List for the different "occupations", as well as a copy of the rubrics. Students can choose areas and extent to which they report on each area. They may add other areas they think are important. Each student is required to produce at least one concrete visual. Students are graded on thoroughness and quality of their contribution to the group effort.

Students will use any resources they choose, including text books, library, TV, newspapers; as well as, the internet and email communications. They will need to keep the requirements of the rubric in mind for final grading.






Media Reporter

Travel & Leisure Reporter

 Report on events in pre-colonial times Explain typical climate conditions.  Report on geographical features of country. Report on currency and banking.  Report on cultural and ethnic background of the people.  Report on major cities and what they are noted for.
 Explorers: Who, When, Which countries  Report on agriculture, forestry & fishing and how weather in the country affects it.  Report on mining and manufacturing and relationship to geographical features.  Create a chart showing periodic fluctuations of currency to the dollar.  Explain type of government and political structure.  Show points of interest including, natural resources, & plants and animals.
 When and how did it become a nation?  Report on weather related problems of significance in country.  Report on geological related problems; i.e. earthquake history.  Report on energy use, including types and quantity of energy consumed.  Report on labor force and level of employment.  Show points of interest including, museums, artists, musicians, and authors.
 Report on other important events in history of country.  Collect data on current weather conditions, create database and charts.  Report on any environmental protection programs in effect.  Report on types of transportation and communication are typically used.  Report on level of education of citizens.  Report on language and religions of the country.
 Create a time line showing important events in history of country.  Create database of current weather conditions for our area. Compare with data for country under study.  Make a physical map showing rivers, lakes, mountains, etc.  Create a chart showing % of goods, services, and industry in country.  Report on current problems and stability of the government.  Discuss level of importance of tourism in the country.
 Make a flag of the country.      Create a map showing economy base by area.    Prepare ad campaign to increase travel to the country.



Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author: Marguerite M. Andre
School: Public School 15, Paterson, NJ 07501
Created: March 1, 1999 - Updated: April 25, 1999
URL: /lincon/w99/projects/yourfoldername/rubric.html