Making an Herbarium

An herbarium is an organized collection of vegetation samples.

There are several ways to save your herbarium collection. A "good specimen" has parts of the stem, leaves and flower (if available) taped to a labeled index card. Do further reading to see how to press/preserve your plant samples. Which one of these display techniques will best meet your needs?

Herbarium on a Ring - has all samples carefully mounted and labels filled out. Cards may be covered with clear contact paper to help preserve the specimens.

Herbarium in Bag (a plastic ziplock-type bag) - has all the carefully mounted and labeled plant samples stored in a bag.

Herbarium in a Folder - has plant specimens and labeled index cards organized by type of sample, i.e., grasses, forbs, shrubs, trees.

Sample Label:

Common Name
Scientific Name
Growing Site (shade, tree trunk, etc.)
Soil Type (silty, sandy, gravelly, rocky, etc.)
Native or Non-native Species
Resource Used
Name of Collector/Date