Work Plan - Step 5b:
Share via a Team Presentation

Scientists must publish their work to report what they have learned and to have their results confirmed by other scientists. Share the results of your study with your classmates.

15-20 Points

10-14 Points

5-9 Points

0-4 Points
All team members have a role in sharing information live to their classmates and via videoconferencing to other schools. Most of the team members have a role in sharing information live to their classmates and via videoconferencing to other schools. Some of the team members participate in sharing information about their project to classmates and via videoconferencing to other schools. Team members are not prepared to share information with students in class and/or via videoconferencing.
Speakers come prepared with an extensive understanding of their project and are able to field process and concept questions from the audience. Speakers come prepared with an adequate understanding of their project and are able to field most questions. The team is not sufficiently prepared to answer most questions from the audience. Speakers are not able to field questions and/or articulate the project and its findings.
Speakers use good eye contact, speak fluently using appropriate articulation and volume. Speakers use good eye contact and speak clearly. Speakers have poor eye contact and do not speak clearly. Speakers have weak presentation skills.

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Authors: Bill Britton, Mohr Elementary School, Pleasanton; Diana Fong-Wedgwood, Edison Elementary School; Tim Perrotta, Cesar Chavez Middle School, and Steven Smith, Edison Elementary School.
Created for the NTEP II Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.
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