Earning Einstein Bucks

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In most of the games, students play for Einstein bucks. When they are done with each game, they can print out a certificate with the total number of bucks they have earned and Einstein bucks. To print the Certificate and Einstein bucks, they need to select Print under the File menu of their Netscape or Internet Explorer browser. They should cut off the Einstein bucks and give the teacher the certificate so she can record their progress. In most games, students have an opportunity to double their bucks by reading some new information and answering a question. Teachers can look at the following information about how some of the games to judge whether the student has actually received a good score for the game.

When students enter Fermilabyrinth on the top page, they will be asked to enter their player name. Encourage them to use a name that identifies them, but has some uniqueness for the high score list. If they enter Fermilabyrinth on a page deeper into Fermilabyrinth (e.g., the Law 'N Order page), then they will not be prompted for their name until they get to a page that requires it (for printing their bucks or adding their score to a high score list). To insure that the computer remembers their name as they move from game to game, students should use the navigation tunnels provided by the game rather than the standard Back buttons on the browser. When a new student starts, they should click back to a screen for one of the areas and click on the New Player tunnel.

Below, learn how to play and how a game is scored for some of the games.


Please email the program contact with your comments on the site.

Work on Fermilabyrinth sponsored by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (disclaimer) Education Office and Friends of Fermilab and funded by the US Department of Energy and the North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium (disclaimer), operated by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Program Contact: Spencer Pasero - spasero@fnal.gov
Web Maintainer: ed-webmaster@fnal.gov

Last Updated: Nov. 16, 1998