Kenneth Withrow

Simmons Middle School with a student population of 60% Hispanic and 10% African American in Aurora, Illinois has an annual Science Fair. As part of the School Partnership Program, Fermilab provides awards to five students who do exceptional physics projects, and a group of scientists serve as judges. At the 1993 Science Fair, the Fermilab scientists found a project which had been overlooked by previous judges. Kenneth Withrow, a 7th grade student, decided to see if he could synchronize a series of electromagnets to propel a steel ball. He didn't succeed in getting the ball to move, but he could explain how to make it work if he had the necessary materials. When the Fermilab's scientists saw this project, they were ecstatic...Kenneth had build a linear accelerator! Kenneth's self-esteem received a real boost when he realized the Fermilab scientists were interested in his project. It was displayed at the Lederman Science Center for the remainder of the school year.

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