The Fermi lab ARISE Project


Project Scenario



Students are to read a newspaper article about the development of genetically engineered corn seeds having a gene for resistance to an insect pest which destroys a significant part of corn crops each year. The article shares public concern and reservations about genetic engineering. Opinions about the planting of these seeds are sought from the class. Students express concern that these seeds are not natural and should not have been released into the environment . The teacher invites the students to devise strategies for investigating this issue. Many students suggest that the issue be researched but soon realize that groups should be formed in order to complete such a large project. Random groups are formed and students explore what they know about biotechnology or genetic engineering. After each group shares, the teacher and students agree that the teacher should present several minilessons and prepare at least two lab explorations. Following these structured actiivties, project groups develop KWL's which include subject areas of this science and some applications of the technology .


The KWL's identify Environmental Biotechnology as the divisions of Biotechnology most closely related to their concerns. The students discover that traditional texts and encyclopedias are limited resources for this project and conclude that the Internet is the most useful research tool. Internet explorations lead them to concepts such as bioremediation, environmental monitoring, water quality tests, resource management, detoxyfing reactions, Prince William Sound , the Exon Val Dez and genetically engineered bacteria. A project evaluation session reveals that students need to narrow the focus of their research and are guided by the teacher to become entrepenuers who form Biotechnology companies. Each company's goal will be the identification of a bacterial gene which will degrade an enviornmental toxin, development and cloning of that specific gene and marketing the gene product. Several students recognize that a plan must be formulated in order to identify local pollutants which might require removal. The class considers this issue and it is decided that specific jobs be developed and placed in a flow chart. Some of these jobs include CEO and board of directors, researchers, biologists,chemist, microbiologists, genetic engineers and salespersons. The CEO directs the formation of a team with one representative from each division in the company. This team has to collaborate with governmental officials and organizations such as the EPA via the Internet in order to identify local pollutants which might require remediation and market their services.

An outcome of the next evaluative session is that high school students in other states be contacted to see if the pollutants in need of cleanup in their area are the same.

The protein products are also the result of student ,teacher and mentor collaboration. The teacher suggests that an Internet Forum be organized. Student suggestions include the development of brochures and Annual reports which should include the patented bacterial gene sequence. Each group should collaborate with a mentor in order to develop the actual proteins which will degrade the pollutant.


Assessment will be the outcome of collaborations between students,the teacher and mentors. Student projects will be assessed using the rubric which was modified following each evaluation. The students will be required to make presentations to a board of directors made up of local teachers, students, administrators and mentors. The presentation will include a verbal review of the brochure or portfolio contents, details about the methods or procedures used in cloning and patenting the groups particular gene sequence, the development of criteria for determination of product effectiveness, A Risk/Benefit Analysis which explores the issues of deliberate release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment, the quality and quantity of email communications with forum participants and mentors and publication of their documents on the Web. Participants in the forum will also have an opportunity to assess the portfolios and brochures of the other schools.The scoring rubric will be designed so that it has a section to evaluate each project component. Thus, the project can be used as a unit assessment or as a component of a final examination.


Authors: hortense brice
The Fermi lab ARISE Project sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermi lab. Funded by the The Illinois State Board of Education.
Created: July 3, 1997