Galva High School and Stark County High School

Integrated Science Curriculum

Year 3: Theme - Grand Designs

VI. Cellular Reproduction and Heredity Unit

A. Laws of Heredity

  1. Mendel
    1. Lecture: Mendel (GB, p. 260)
    2. MiniLab: "Looking at pollen" (GB, p. 43)
  2. Monohybrid crosses
    1. Rule of dominance
    2. Law of segregation
  3. Phenotypes and genotypes
    1. Internet BioLab: "How can phenotypes and genotypes of plants . . ." (GB, p. 47)
    2. Lab 10-2: "What phenotypic ratio is seen in a dihybrid cross?" (GB, pp. 71-74)
  4. Dihybrid crosses
    1. Law of independent assortment
    2. Investigation 10-1: "Dihybrid cross studies" (HBJ Bio, pp. 51-52)
  5. Punnett squares and Probability
    1. Activity 6-A: "Laws of probability" (SFB Lab, pp. 41-44)
    2. Acitvity 7-A: "A study in population genetics (SFB Lab, pp. 53-56)
    3. Activity: Chromosomes & genetics (HBJ Bio, pp. 35-36)
    4. Activity: Fundamentals of genetics (HBJ Bio, pp. 31-32)
B. Meiosis
  1. Genes, chromosomes and numbers
    1. (GB, p. 270)
    2. Investigation 11-2: "Investigating human chromosomes" (HBJ Bio, pp. 55-57)
    3. Lab 11-1: "Chromosome extraction and analysis" (GB Lab, pp. 75-78)
  2. Phases of meiosis
    1. Lab 10-1: "Observation of meiosis" (GB, p. 69)
    2. MiniLab: "Modeling crossing over" (GB, p. 45)
  3. Genetic variation
  4. Mistakes in meiosis
    1. (GB, p. 280)
    2. (GB, p. 282)
C. DNA and genes
  1. DNA: The molecule of heredity
    1. DNA structure
      1. DNA structure (GB, p. 289)
      2. Demo: DNA isolation (Flinn Fax, Vol. 01-2, Biology Edition)
      3. Investigation 12-1: "DNA model" (HBJ Bio, p. 59)
    2. DNA replication
  2. From DNA to protein
    1. RNA structure
    2. Transcription
      1. Investigate BioLab: "RNA transcription" (GB, pp. 53-56)
    3. Genetic code
      1. (GB, p. 297)
    4. Translation
      1. MiniLab 11-1: "Transcribe & translate" (GB, pp. 49-50)
      2. Lab 13-2: "DNA sequencing" (GB Lab, pp. 95-98)
      3. Genetic changes
        1. Mutations in DNA
    5. Genetic Code
      1. (GB, p.297)
    6. Translation
      1. MiniLab 11-2: "Gene mutations and proteins" (GB, p. 51)
    7. Chromosomal mutations
      1. (GB, p. 305)
      2. (GB, p. 306)
    8. Causes of mutations
      1. Lab 11-2: "Isolating mutants" (GB Lab, pp. 79-82)
D. Patterns of heredity
  1. Inheritance of human traits
    1. Making a pedigree
      1. (GB, p. 316)
      2. (GB, p. 317)
      3. MiniLab 12-1: "Illustrating a pedigree" (GB, p. 57)
      4. Activity 7-B: "Using pedigrees to study human traits" (SF Bio, pp. 57-60)
      5. Activity: "Interpreting pedigrees" (HBJ Bio, pp. 42-43)
      6. Activity 17A: "An inherited trait" (Science Probe)
    2. Recessive heredity
    3. Dominance in heredity
      1. MiniLab 12-2: "Detecting colors and patterns in eyes" (GB, p. 58)
  2. Heredity follows different rules
    1. Complex patterns of inheritance
      1. (GB, p. 324)
    2. Environmental influences
  3. Complex inheritance
    1. Incomplete dominance
      1. Lab 12-1: "Determination of genotypes from phenotypes . . ." (GB, pp. 83-86)
    2. Codominance
    3. Multiple alleles
      1. (GB, p. 332)
      2. (GB, p. 333)
      3. Lab: "ABO/Rh simulated blood typing kit" (Flinn BioFax, cat. no. FB1225)
    4. Sex-linked traits
      1. Investigation 13-2: "A human pedigree" (HBJ Bio, pp. 65-68)
    5. Polygenic inheritance
    6. Changes in chromosomal numbers
      1. Lab 12-2: (GB, p. 87)
      2. (GB, p. 336)
    7. Cytoplasmic inheritance
      1. BioLab: "What is the pattern of cytoplasmic inheritance?" (GB, pp. 59-60)
E. Genetic technology
  1. Applied genetics
    1. Selective breeding
    2. Detecting genotypes
      1. (GB, p. 347)
      2. Lab 13-1: "Making test crosses" (GB Lab, p. 91-94)
  2. Recombinant DNA technology
    1. Genetic engineering
      1. (GB, p. 351)
      2. Investigate BioLab: "Modeling recombinant DNA" (GB, pp. 65-66)
      3. Lab: "Paper genetic engineering"
    2. Applications of DNA technology
      1. (GB, p. 355)
      2. (GB, p. 362)
      3. MiniLab 13-1: "Matching restriction enzymes to . . ." (GB, pp. 61-62)
  3. Human genome
    1. Mapping and sequencing the human genome
      1. (GB, p. 358)
      2. MiniLab 13-2: "Storing the human genome" (GB, pp. 63-64)
    2. Applications of human genome project
      1. Lab 13-2: (GB, p. 95)
      2. (GB, p. 361)
F. Performance assessment: "Genetic diseases"
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Last Update: August 24, 2001