ACT Implementation Plan Rubric

Project Name:

Project Facilitators:


Author/Reviser E-mail Addresses (one per line):

Evaluator E-mail Addresses (one per line):

Not Present
Scheduling and Resources  
Timeline shows when key events will be scheduled.
URLs, books, reference materials, and/or skill-building materials are provided for students.
Support needed from school staff and parents is identified.
Expert and collaboration contacts are provided for students. (local community, experts, other schools)
Engaged Learning  
Project task is set up in a way that is relevant and meaningful to students.
Task is introduced with a compelling hook.
Plan shows how students will be given opportunities to direct their own learning and to help determine the topic, aspect, or problem they want to investigate.
Plan shows what the teacher will do to take on the role of facilitator rather than director.
Plan shows how classroom management issues may be addressed (grouping, assistance, learners moving through the project at different rates).
Technology Use  
Plan shows how students will be given the opportunity to use technology to publish original work to a wider audience.
Plan shows how students will be given the opportunity to use technology to research, organize, manipulate and/or analyze information.
Plan shows how technology will be used to give the students the opportunity to collaborate with experts or students in other places.
Plan shows what technology equipment and software will be needed, how student access to it will be managed, and how needed student technical skills will be developed.
Assessment and Evaluation  
Plan shows how ongoing, performance-based assessment and reflection will be implemented.
Plan shows what actions the students and teacher will take to evaluate the effectiveness of the project and areas that can be enhanced.


Author: Laura Mengel
Created: May 2004 - Updated: July, 2006
URL: /lincon/act/rubrics/implementation.shtml