Illinois State Goals-English Language Arts
As a result of their schooling, students will be able to:
#1 Read with understanding and fluency.
#2 Understand the expressed meaning in literature representative of various societies, eras and ideas.
#3 Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.
#4 Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.
#5 Use reading, writing, listening and speaking skills to research and apply information for specific purposes.
The Environment: Water. Mentorom Multimedia. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, 1995. (Interactive CD-ROM program in the Science & Nature Series. This program includes a scrapbook feature which allows the user to create his/her own presentation and/or reference collection.)
Introduction to the Environment Series: Environment Conservation. Mentorom Multimedia. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, 1995. (Interactive CD-ROM program which highlights the issues related to the environment.)
Smile Program - Lessons created by teachers in Environmental Studies and other areas of science.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency - Gives information on water pollution - the agency has celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 - Clean Water Act.
On-Line Water Pollution Analysis - Zoom in on the area that you are interested in.
Environmental Protection Agency- Presents a variety of environmental education resources for teachers and a listing of exemplary community projects.
Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office, Friends of Fermilab, United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, and North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL). Author(s): Constance Benson School: George Washington Carver Area High School, Chicago, Illinois Created: October 18, 1997 - Updated: January 19, 1998 URL: /lincon/f97/projects/cbenson/goals.htm