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You are to be apprenticed to a Master Printer setting up a new
print shop in England.
- What are all of the materials that would be needed for setting up a new
print shop? For this particular project, consider consumable supplies such
as ink and paper, outside labor contacts such as binders and illuminators
or scribes, start-up equipment such as presses and type. Then brainstorm
for and research the skills and techniques you must learn or know about?
- Name of your guild? In which special guild must you start before you
can proceed to work with a master printer? Who is allowed into your guild?
Special features of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's
work or beliefs? Special clothing that your guild members must wear? Under
what conditions? What does each piece signify? What changes during the
Renaissance have affected your field of study and how printing is done?
What books are most important to print? What other types of work do printers
do in order to bring in money? Who have been the innovators in your field
of study? What has each contributed of significant importance? Where did
each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place he visited,
things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to you? What artwork
has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your guild
responsible for and why?
Course of study? What books will you be using? By? Philosophy about printing
and the written wordfood? Manners and customs that must be learned for
your field of work? Skills and techniques you must learn or know about?
Best and/or most unique techniques, beliefs, books? Special math skills
that are needed? Materials for your work available from where? Special
guilds for them? What other guild(s)do you work with? Technology (tools)
available? Innovative technology you may want to use? Special features
of your work that you must consider in your training? Cautions, hazards?
Particular problems you may run into with your work? What secrets are you
pledged to keep for your guild and why?
What have you learned that 20th century printers use today as a result
of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed
from earlier centuries)?
3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________