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You are to be apprenticed to a Mercer, Dealer in Cloth,
Spinner of Cloth, Clothing Shoppe Merchant to outfit the royal
entourage for an upcoming wedding.
- Name of your guild? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features
of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work? Who have
been the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of
significant importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special
study that he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to
what he is passing on to you? Particular problems your guild faces? What
artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations is your
guild responsible for and why? What should be kept secret and why?
Steps of a process that you must learn? What innovative technology will
be built into your work or have others discovered? (14th to 17th century
versions of 20th century technology? Is the older better? In what ways?)
What are the hazards in your line of work? Solutions that have been tried?
Special features of your project that you must build into your design?
Technology needed? (You may have to do some inventing to complete your
project - but within the limits of the Renaissance!) Skills and techniques
you must learn or know about? Math: needed? for what? What mathematical
'news' is there that will help you?
Philosophy of design? Comfort in design? Changes in philosophy of design?
What related guilds are or will be a part of the processes you must follow
to complete your masterpiece? Can your guild finish a process alone without
the help of other guilds? Why or why not?
Materials available: varieties? from where? Thread: what? made by? Patterns:
yes, no? What were they like? Decorative arts or crafts for your designs
or clothes? Closures: How did Renaissance folk keep their clothes 'buttoned'?
Undergarments: were there any and purpose? Who made them? Coats, cloaks,
shoes, hats, gloves, (accessories): made by whom from what guilds?
What have you learned that 20th century clothiers and designers use today
as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance
borrowed from earlier centuries)?
3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________