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You are to be apprenticed to an Alchemist, Scientist,
Astronomer to engage in scientific inquiry and design
new tools..
- Name of your guild? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features
of your guild? Terms and vocabulary unique to your guild's work or beliefs?
Special clothing that your guild members must wear? Why? Who have been
the innovators in your field of study? What has each contributed of significant
importance? Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that
he did, place he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is
passing on to you? What mathematical 'news' has someone from your guild
discovered? Particular problems, superstitions your guild must deal with?
What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations
is your guild responsible for and why? What must be kept secret
and why?
Course of study? What books will you be using? By? Techniques must learn
or know about? Cautions, hazards? Math: What math must you know or will
you be using? What mathematical 'news' is there that will help you? Technology
(tools) available? What innovative technology will be built into your work
or have others discovered? (14th to 17th century versions of 20th century
technology? Is the older better? In what ways?) Technology needed (you
may have to invent)? Guilds will use to do this? Decorative art for your
implements? Which ones? Which guild and/or famous master has helped you?
Special features of your guild's work area? Sanitation: a concern? Particular
problems you are working on to solve? Guilds may use to do this?
What have you learned that 20th century chemists, scientists, mathematicians,
or astronomers use today as a result of ideas and techniques of the Renaissance
( or what the Renaissance borrowed from earlier centuries)?
3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________