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You are to be apprenticed to an Artist, Glassblower,
Sculptor, Musician, Musical Instrument Maker or Composer
to prepare for a festival or wedding feast or to work
on art commissioned for a cathedral.
- Name of your guild? In which special guild must you start before you
can proceed to work with a master in the field of painting, sculpture,
etc.? Who is allowed into your guild? Special features of your guild? Terms
and vocabulary unique to your guild's work or beliefs? Special clothing
that your guild members must wear? Under what conditions? What does each
piece signify? What change in philosophy about art has enabled your guild
to exist and develop? What is different about the Renaissance philosophy
of art and music compared to that of the Middle Ages? Who do the visual
or performing arts depend upon to exist? Who have been the innovators in
your field of study? What has each contributed of significant importance?
Where did each master get his ideas? Any special study that he did, place
he visited, things he observed and applied to what he is passing on to
you? What artwork has your guild been required to commission? What donations
is your guild responsible for and why?
Philosophy of design/art, music? Skills and techniques you must learn or
know about? Steps in a process that you must follow? Why? Of what significance
is math in your field of study? What mathematical 'news' is there that
will help you in the 'works' that you create? What has that 'news' opened
up for you as an artist, sculptor, glassblower, misician, instrument designer/builder,
etc.? Technology (tools) available? Special features or requirements of
your work that you must consider in your training? Cautions, hazards of
your work? Materials for your work is available from where? Special guilds
for them? What other guild(s)do you work with? Particular problems you
may run into with your work? What innovative technology is built into your
work or have you or others discovered? (14th to 17th century versions of
20th century technology? Is the older better? Equivalent? In what ways?)
Special features of your project that require new technology? (You may
have to do some inventing to complete your project - but within the limits
of the Renaissance.)
Where will your work be displayed or performed? Describe it. What must
be kept in mind when you propose and present a project to be developed
and completed? Who will perform your music? What must you keep in mind
concerning those who will be your audience, who will perform your work,
and the instruments to be used ?
What have you learned that 20th century artists, musicians, glassblowers,
musical instrument makers, and composers use today as a result of ideas
and techniques of the Renaissance ( or what the Renaissance borrowed from
earlier centuries)?
3 OTHER QUESTIONS: _______________________________________________