Political parties have been a part of American politics for a long time. They are formed and supported by people who share opinions on a wide variety of issues. Political parties help elect leaders at the local, state and national levels. One way to learn if a party's views appeal to you is by studying the party's platform which is a statement of the party's position on the issues it considers important. In this activity you will analyze the platforms of the two major political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Before visiting their web pages make sure to read the assignment page to check what is due with this component.

Democratic Party Information:

Read and take notes on the democratic party using the following sights:
History of the Democratic Party
The1996 Democratic Party Platform:
History of the Donkey, the symbol of the democratic party

Daily News, by visitng this sight you will have a chance to research current topics important to the democrats. There are several articles for you to choose from and read the ones that you are interested in. Notice the loaded language that is used to persuade the reader to take interest in the democratic party's views.

Republican Party Information:

Read and take notes on the republican party using the following sights:
History of the Republican Party
History of the Elephant, the symbol of the republican party

Republican Principals, by visiting this sight you will have a chance to research current topics important to the republicans. There are several articles for you to choose and read the ones that you are interested in. Notice the loaded language that is used to persuade the reader to take interest in the republican party

Politics and You Introduction