Project Before LInc:
This project did not exist before taking this class. This was an attempt to synthesize much that has been learned in the last 2 years. I used the indicators of Engaged Learning. I attempted to put together a project that was authentic and would engage students in a real-world activity. Since the environment will always be a topic of concern for all citizens, it is important that we educate students early and get them involved in solving the continuing problems concerning it. The use of the Internet provides an engaging atmosphere. The Internet becomes useful in communicating and accessing resources.
It is my best hope that the 7th grade teachers at Old Quarry Middle School will use this scenario with their students. Our school will be in it's second year of implementing a middle school philosophy. The incorporation of interdisciplinary units into the curriculum will be done by all grade levels at this school. This topic and project will be a vital part of that curriculum.
Proposed LInC Project:
Students will be presented with the challenge to develop a recycling program for their entire school. The teacher will introduce the problem by reading a letter (above) from the chamber of commerce alerting the public of the problems the town is facing with it's waste disposal. Continued increases in the cost of disposing of waste products and the threat of the local land fill reaching capacity has caused the town to turn to its citizens for a solution. Each business and company is being solicited to generate ideas for recycling. The challenge is presented for the middle school to be able to recycle all of it's own waste products.
The teacher will organize students in their groups and facilitate their progress. Authentic assessment of students' progress will be taken in an on-going process. The students places in groups will assume various roles in their investigation of recycling and the possibilities of developing a total recycling program for their school.
The culmination of the project will have students present their plan and the research they have done utilizing a presentation program like Hyper Studio. Students will be assess on both content and process. The report, presentation, and classroom participation are used to assess total student learning.