AP Chemistry

Review and Links

The intention of this web page is to provide you with suggestions as to what you can review before school starts so that you are more prepared. You are all coming into the class at different levels in your understanding of chemistry. Hopefully, this summer practice will have you all starting at approximately the same level by September.

Don't worry, I do not intend to infringe on your summer vacation. I will provide you with suggested activities and you can work through them at your convenience.

Also, there are some links at the bottom to other web sites. Some of these are educational, but some of them are for fun if you are a science buff.



Now that you have an idea of what we are aiming for by the middle of September, let's get ready for the beginning of September. There are a few topics that you should have a prior understanding of before coming to class. We will explore each of these topics individually. Go at your own pace. If you already know a topic really well, then whip through that section. If you need refreshing on a topic, go more slowly. This is not a contest. No one is looking over your shoulder. No one knows how long your computer was on for. Do it for yourself so that you are at the same level as everyone else when we start.

Here is a list of topics for review. For those of you unfamiliar with web pages, colored words are generally links to somewhere else. Clicking on one of these topics will take you to a web page about that topic. Once you are there, you can use the Back button on your web browser to come back here or the colored word that sends you back to this page (the introduction page).

Significant figures
Scientific notation
Unit conversions
Mole calculations

Happy reviewing, but remember to enjoy your summer! If at any time you have questions, you can email me at jcaskey@ties.k12.mn.us or call me at home at 651-486-9697.

Here is a list of web sites for you to explore if you are interested. They are totally optional.

  • MAD Scientist Network is a collection of questions to and answers from experts on various science topics. There is a also a collection of labs you can try at home and a list of other links to more web sites.
  • CHEMystery is a chemistry textbook on the web that could prove helpfull at times.
  • Science Hobbyist has links to lots of sites on any topic of interest.
  • University of California's college level video tutorials on chemistry topics. These require quicktime and are very slow to load.
  • The Irydium Project has interactive tutorials on many topics. Go to the introduction first if this link doesn't start you there.
  • Mr. Logan's chemistry site has lots of refresher pages on various topics. Scroll to the bottom of the first page to see all of your choices.
  • Mr. Logan's basic math refresher page covers metric, significant figures, scientific notation, algebra, logs, etc.
  • Have a great rest of your summer and I'll see you in September!

    Mrs Caskey

    Author: Jennifer Caskey, Mahtomedi High School, Minnesota
    Created: June 12, 1999 Updated: June 28, 1999
    URL: /lincon/w99/projects/apchem/apchem/introduction.html