Karner Blue Butterfly

I''m an expert. Most people wouldn't think that a creature just one inch long could be much of an expert on anything. Most people aren't too smart! My family name is Lycaeides melissa samuelis and we're all experts on the wild lupine plant. You would be, too is that was all you ever ate. Lately its been a struggle to find enough food for the whole family to survive. That's the bad news. The good news is that there are a few folks who are trying to bring back the old days when plants were plentiful. To find out: (a) why the Karner Blue Butterfly is endangered; (b) what is being done to prevent our extinction .

Most people wouldn't think that a creature just one inch long could be much of an expert on anything. Most people aren't too smart! My family name is Lycaeides melissa samuelis and we're all experts on the wild lupine plant. You would be, too is that was all you ever ate. Lately its been a struggle to find enough food for the whole family to survive. That's the bad news. The good news is that there are a few folks who are trying to bring back the old days when plants were plentiful. To find out: (a) why the Karner Blue Butterfly is endangered; (b) what is being done to prevent our extinction; to to

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Peregrine Falcon

I'm an expert. My name peregrinus means "foreigner" or "traveler" and my relatives and I lived all over the world. We're raptors, birds of prey, who like to dine on smaller birds. We can swoop down on our dinner at speeds up to 200 miles per hour. The peregrines that live in this area are experts on damaged eggs. This is a painful subject for us. In recent years our eggs have had very thin shells which have cracked before our babies were born. Our families have become smaller and smaller. To find our: (a) why our eggs had thin shells; (b) what the Fish and Wildlife Service has done to increase our declining population; go

To find out what you can do to help send e-mail.

Bald Eagle

I'm an expert. I am the only eagle unique to North America and have been chosen as the national symbol of the United States. While I have few natural enemies, I know what it is to live in fear. I have experienced the loss of the quiet isolation, tall mature trees, clean water and lead-free fish so crucial for my survival. I have seen my friends and relatives dwindle from a population of over 50,000 to only 450. To find out-- (a) why people began to prey upon the bald eagle; (b) what was done to increase our numbers and reintroduce us into the environment; go to

For poems and articles about eagles to to --"nicole/eagle/showhhtml/



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Indiana Bat

I'm an expert. I'm an Indiana Bat. I know thata bats have a bad reputation (some of my distant cousins have tainted the family name) but most of us are harmless mammals who enjoy a healthy diet of delicious insects. We make our summer homes in dead and dying trees. The newcomers in the neighborhood, the farmers and the home owners, find our unsightly homes offensive and have removed them. Relocation has drastically reduced our numbers. To find out: (a) where Indiana Bats live in the winter; (b) why pesticides have created problems for Indiana Bats go to:


To learn more about bats in the other states --e-mail:

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