Fermilab LInC Online


Project Time Line

This project for Chemistry is best planned around the topic of qualitative analysis. The second mark period is usually when this topic is covered. Data collected by Marshall students should be posted within 6 weeks. Data submitted by other schools and cities will be posted as it arrives. Since the site is planned to be an on going site information may be added at any time. The results will be available indefinitely or until our web server crashes!


 Week #

 Expectation of accomplishment


Class time: Introduction to topic and project according to scenario.
Students access internet lab: Permission slips are check for each student, students sign on to the computer and any technical difficulties are noted to have repaired. Students access web page for
Lead it Be to become familiar with the web site.


Class time: Discuss qualitative analysis. Run a simple Qualitative test to show precipitation.
Research time: resources used to gather information and write notes on daily assignment sheets. Assignment sheets are collected daily to monitor progress and give feedback. Students should be able to answer one question in depth at this point providing they divided up the work.


Class time: Laboratory procedure and equipment is explained and demonstrated. Students are asked to write a formal lab report before they can test their water samples. Teacher prepared samples will be used first.
Research time: Students have material to answer another question. Daily assignment sheets should reflect information for that question.


Class time: Students bring in their samples from home to be tested. Multiple trials are run for accuracey. The results are used to complete the laboratory report and hand in. The data is compiled for the class.
Research time:
Students continue to research their topic and finish up the questions they need to answer. Other schools are contacted for their data to compare the results.


Class time: Students prepare for their presentations, decide what they choose to present and create a visual aide.
Research time:
Posting data


Class time: Oral presentations are given. Students afterward decide how to proceed with the information gained and then follow through.

 Teacher Resources

Graphics from Animation Factory

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Catherine Wittig and Todd Everson

School: John Marshall International Baccalaureate High School Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Created: March 1, 1999 - Updated: April 25, 1999