Sol Cache-Solar Energy

Student Page

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 Background Info

Solar Oven

Energy Audit

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  Solar-Renewable Energy General Rubric

 Point Value

  6 Points 

  4 Points   

 2 Points 

 0 Points

 Background research data sheet concerning solar energy/Denver area

The research data sheet is of high quality with many sources

The research

data sheet is complete.

Research is  incomplete or it is evident that some of the research data sheet is irrelevant.

  No research or

the research data

sheet is irrelevant.

Description of the energy audit and observations that were conducted.

 Descriptions are complete, include clear writing, relevant examples and contain very few errors.

 Descriptions are complete, written clearly, and have few errors.

Descriptions of the energy audit are incomplete, unclear or contain several grammatical errors.

No descriptions of energy audit or activities are included.

  Data showing potential source of solar oven data.

Data is well done and include new useful information. Graphs and symbols are easy to use.

 Data complete and includes a useful graph.

 Data is not clear or it is incomplete.

  No data is supplied.

 Use the Internet to research relevant information about solar energy and contact solar experts.

 The student demonstrates the ability to research a topic or experts without assistance using several tools.

  The student demonstrates the ability to research a topic or experts without assistance.

 The student can research topics and experts with minimal assistance.

  Student does not demonstrate the ability to research a topic or a solar expert.

 Bibliography done creatively.

 Bibliography is complete and well written.

 Bibliography is complete and written with a few grammatical errors.

 The bibliography is incomplete or have numerous grammatical errors.

 No bibliographical information is supplied.

 Description of how the team will validate the findings.

 Multiple validation techniques are used that produce accurate and conclusive information.

 Validation techniques are effective and produce conclusive results.

 Efforts are made to validate the information but is incomplete, irrelevant, or inconclusive.

 There is no validation

of the findings.

 Explanation of the potential relevance of importance of the findings.

 The relevance is clearly articulated and the explanation makes a compelling statement.

 The relevance of the findings is clearly articulated.

 The explanation is illogical, irrelevant or fails to communicate clearly.

 No explanation of

relevance is offered.


Created for the NTEP II Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.


Author(s): Sue Emmons ,
School:Powell Middle School, Littleton CO 80120
Created: September 9, 1998 - Updated: December 9, 1998
URL: /ntep/f98/projects/nrel/rubric.html