Add'm and Eve

in the Garden

Student Page (1)

Your Job

As members of an Architectural Landscape Company team it will be your responsibility to create a new and unique design for Grice Vegetable Garden. Until now the garden has been planted in a flat row traditional style, but this was found to be very wasteful of both space and time as wide rows had to be left between each set of crops. These then had to be weeded which was time wasted also. A funding group including the Student Council and PTA have offered the Grice Garden Club $1,000 if they can develop a design of geometrically shaped raised beds. To make the garden area open for use to the widest possible number of students they not only want the garden to be utilized as a vegetable garden for growing crops but also as a life-size geometry and measurement experience for the math classes during the winter months. In addition they are willing to fund, within reasonable limits, an adjacent area of the garden for whatever use you, the students, would select ( ex. recreation area, habitat area, etc.).

Following the selection of the final design the teams will pool their resources and create a description of the project work for the Grice Garden Club Internet site. A part of this page will include a listing of "Super Sites" they found during their research that would be of interest to others who visit our school site and read about their project. Take a look if you wish at the framework of this Student Project Site.

Once you have decided on the number of members of each team, you will need to divide up the following tasks depending upon the talents each person brings to the team:

Financial Analysis Department

Research and Design Development Department

Sales and Presentation Department

Adjacent Area Selection

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Created for the NTEP II Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.


Author(s): Karren Cherrington (
School: Grice Middle School, Hamilton , N.J.
Created: November 6, 1998 - Updated:
URL: /ntep/f98/projects/pppl/karrenc/studentgricegarden.html