and Eve
in the Garden
Student Page (1)
Your Job
As members of an Architectural Landscape Company team it
will be your responsibility to create a new and unique design
for Grice Vegetable Garden. Until now the garden has been planted
in a flat row traditional style, but this was found to be very
wasteful of both space and time as wide rows had to be left between
each set of crops. These then had to be weeded which was time
wasted also. A funding group including the Student Council and
PTA have offered the Grice Garden Club $1,000 if they can develop
a design of geometrically shaped raised beds. To make the garden
area open for use to the widest possible number of students they
not only want the garden to be utilized as a vegetable garden
for growing crops but also as a life-size geometry and measurement
experience for the math classes during the winter months. In addition
they are willing to fund, within reasonable limits, an adjacent
area of the garden for whatever use you, the students, would select
( ex. recreation area, habitat area, etc.).
Following the selection of the final design the teams will
pool their resources and create a description of the project work
for the Grice
Garden Club Internet site. A part of this page will include
a listing of "Super Sites" they found during their research
that would be of interest to others who visit our school site
and read about their project. Take a look if you wish at the framework
of this Student Project Site.
Once you have decided on the number of members of each team,
you will need to divide up the following tasks depending upon
the talents each person brings to the team:
Financial Analysis Department
- Accurately measure the entire area of the garden to be used
in this project. Report this to the R & D members of the
team. (Research and Design Development)
- As the R & D members give you the data for each individual
bed, you must create a cost analysis sheet for its construction.
It might be wise to develop this in several types of materials
so the entire team has some flexibility in the final choices
and yet stay within the budget limit.
- After discussion among team members you will help decide
the utilization of the adjacent area of the garden and its design
- You must work in close cooperation with both the R &
D Dept. and the Sales Presentation Dept. to keep the project
moving along smoothly.
- You are also responsible for keeping a total cost analysis
for the final presentation at the Selection Meeting.
- Go to a sample cost analysis
Research and Design Development Department
- You will begin the research aspect of the project by using
the Internet to get background information for your company team
about raised bed gardens. It would be valuable for all of the
team members to understand the concept of why raised beds are
better than flat row gardening.
- Visit a list of related
Internet sources.
- It would also be valuable in the decision making process
to locate sources from which you could purchase some of the raised
beds as complete kits rather than building all of them from cedar
lumber. Keep in mind that the Financial Analysis Dept. will need
to know the type of materials and complete costs of both lumber
and preconstructed kits.
- Your department will create the designs for the raised beds
to be built by the Garden Club. Your design must incorporate
at least five (5) different geometric shapes of raised
beds. The PTA wants the area to be used in the winter
as a measurement and geometry experience for the math classes
at Grice not just as a vegetable garden.
- After discussion among team members you will help decide
the utilization of the adjacent area of the garden and its design
- Having received the overall measurements of the garden area
you will design the layout plan of the overall area utilizing
the space available. (Remember that there must be paths between
the various shaped beds wide enough to accommodate the wheelchair
bound students in the student body.)
- Once you have created the overall design plan, you must then
create an individual detailed construction plan for each bed
so that the Garden Club members who will build it will have accurate
measurements from which to do their construction work. This will
include interior angle measurements for the mitering that must
be done. Forward copies of all of these plans as soon as you
finish them to the Financial Analysis Dept. so they can create
a cost analysis for the final Selection Meeting presentation.
Sales and Presentation Department
- Since it will be your job to create a persuasive presentation
at the Selection Meeting you must be aware of everything that
is going on within the various departments working on this design
- During the initial brainstorming of presentation modes you
must take notes and later lead the discussion within your team
as to which presentation modes they prefer. You must distribute
the work involved in the creation of all of these materials.
You will be expected to be a major contributor to this aspect
of the process since you will moderate the team's presentation.
- You must keep the motivation levels high throughout the project.
You will have to keep the latest design materials flowing smoothly
from department to department so that progress moves at an efficient
pace and everything is ready for the Selection Meeting. You may
need to remind each department of their contribution toward the
final presentation so they can help develop the necessary materials
in the format decided by the group. ( ex. charts, models, overheads,
videos, handout sheets. etc.)
- Take a look at the overall Grice
Garden Design layout.
- At the Selection Meeting you will be responsible for a coordinated,
detailed, and persuasive presentation. In the course
of your team's 15 minute presentation you and your team members
must be prepared with accurate statistics and visual materials
that will help to convince the funding sponsors that your team
has created the best possible design to meet their initial requirements.
Adjacent Area Selection
- As a team you should brainstorm some of the possible uses
of the area adjacent to your raised bed site. Check the size
of the space available to develop and its location within the
garden area as a whole and think about how you, the students
who will use the area, would like to develop it.
- Remember it is on the shady side of the garden partially
under the shadow of a tree most of the summer.
- After discussing some possibilities and checking the Internet
for timely information on these, the group should decide upon
a list of criteria for making the final choice for the use of
this adjacent area.
- Check out some of the Internet
sites illustrating interesting possibilities for this adjacent
area. Look in the "unique applications" section.
- Using the three or four criteria you feel are most important,
decide within the team to what use you will put this special
area. Create a cost analysis for the materials needed to develop
your plan.
- Be prepared to include your original and creative use of
this area in your final presentation. It may just be an important
factor in the final selection by the review committee.
Return to the top of the page.
Created for the NTEP II Fermilab
LInC program sponsored by Fermi
National Accelerator Laboratory Education
Office and Friends
of Fermilab, and funded by United
States Department of Energy, Illinois
State Board of Education, North
Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which
is operated by North Central Regional
Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National
Science Foundation.
Author(s): Karren Cherrington (
School: Grice
Middle School, Hamilton , N.J.
Created: November 6, 1998 - Updated:
URL: /ntep/f98/projects/pppl/karrenc/studentgricegarden.html