The Fermilab ARISE Project

Debates on Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology




Student Pages


Description: Students identify and discuss ethical issues in current biotechnology and genetic engineering. Quickly, differing opinions arise among the students. Acting as a mediator or guide, the teacher prevents a melee and suggests a debate. Students identify which issue and position they wish to research and form teams.
The teacher points out that perhaps students of different cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds may have differing views and would like to debate, too. These teams then contact a team from another school who has an opposing view. (At the beginning of the first semester the teacher posts an invitation on the
Global SchoolNet Projects Registry to any high school interested in participating in this project during January. Also, invitations will be made to schools in particular areas of our students' ethnic origins.)
Prior to researching the issues, students will learn about debate format and evaluation criteria. Also, as a class students will develop generalized criteria for the types of issues which will be used for evaluating the effectiveness of the debates. For ongoing evaluation, the teacher will give feedback on the fairness and importance of these criteria.
Given access to the internet and some teacher-suggested websites and experts(see references) as starting points, students prepare their arguments and their rebuttals for the opposing view. The teacher will act as a facilitator, guiding and redirecting their research when necessary. A preliminary evaluation of the teams' points of argument will be made by the teacher.
Each team's position will be published on the
WYHS website. The participating schools will respond by sending their position via e-mail which will be posted on the WYHS website, as well. This exchange will continue following typical debate guidelines except the exchanges will not be immediate, considering the time differences of the participating schools. Students will do peer evaluation based on the formal debate criteria and those of their own making.

Subject: Honors Biology

Grade: eighth

Learner description: Gifted students from a wide variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds and students of specified backgrounds from other schools

time frame: beginning second semester 1 day to introduce the project, 3-4 days to meet cooperating schools and do research, 1 day to write evaluation criteria, 3-4 days to debate and do peer evaluations.

learner outcomes:

Authors: Angela Dumas
The Fermilab ARISE Project sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab. Funded by the The Illinois State Board of Education.
Created: July 1, 1997