Index of Plans for Classroom Activities Using Internet

The Fermilab ARISE Project Homepage - ARISE Web Workshop

Air Pollution: A Local and Global Problem
Students will investigate the problem of air pollution in a given location and research possible solutions using a variety of tools (laboratory technology, Internet resources, multimedia technology, etc.). They will select the best solutions and present them to the class with the results of their research.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

The Asteroids Are Coming

Students are given a newspaper article, in the report they are told that large asteroids have been tracked in an orbital paths close to earth. The asteroids were located in the constellation of Orion "The Hunter". Students are given the opportunity to determine what they can do to prove or disprove the news report.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Environmental Biotechnology: Squeaky Clean

Students will be given an invitation to investigate a problem related to the way scientific research is conducted and reported.The invitation will consist of the teacher reading detailed descriptions of unusual phenomena (as dramatic music plays in the background) including a pouch that was discovered on a beach in Denmark, Journal & newspaper articles regarding the discovery of life on Mars, a modeling video, safety apparatus and methods and providing information on a need to know basis.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Debates on Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

In teams, students will debate ethical issues in these areas with students of different ethnic, cultural, or religious backgrounds via the internet. They will also use the internet to research these topics using teacher suggested websites and experts as starting points. Students will develop evaluation criteria to do peer evaluation of the finished debate.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Down in the Dumps

Mallard Lake landfill located about two miles north of Glenbard North High School, is scheduled to close sometime in the next three years. As a class, we will investigate landfills in general: what do they do to the water and soil? how do they affect the environment? what are some alternatives to landfill usage? and what can be done with the landfill after it has been filled?
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Down in the Dumps - Part II

Mallard Lake landfill, located about two miles north of Glenbard North School, is scheduled to close sometime in the next three years. As a class we will investigate the chemical and physical aspects of landfills. Areas of investigation will include pollutants in the water supply, environmental impact, alternatives to landfills, land usage once a landfill is closed, and the generation of energy from a landfill.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

The Extinction of the Bubble Gum Plant

The purpose of this unit is for students to investigate the use of modern techonology, such as genetic engineering , to solve problems such as the extinction. Students may collaborate with other students to understand different views on the preservation of species and the destruction of rainforests. Finally, the ethics of using other species in transgenic research as recipients of this information can be addressed.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

The Green River Project

The students will do a series of water tests determining the quality of the river water, compile the results, analyze the data, and submit the results to a web page.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Profile of a Murderer

Given information about five murders, students will be asked to predict if there is a pattern or if the acts were random. Using the discovered pattern, they will predict the location of three other victims with geometric construction. After locations are verified, students will research the toxic effects of various poisons on the human body. Using this data, they will use a qualitative analysis to verify the poison used in each murder. Each victim is killed with a different poison, the first letter of which, is an anagram for the name of the murderer.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Radon: Whose Problem Is It?

Radon: Does it present a possible health problem in the communities of Oak Park and River Forest?
The purpose of this project is for the students to determine if Radon poses a potential problem in their homes. They will determine how radioactive Radon can present a problem, how is it produced, how can its presence be tested.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Science Projects Helper

Students will make use the "Science Project Helper" web page to help them choose and follow through each step of their required science projects. They will use the internet for information gathering, publishing, and feedback.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

Students as Teachers of Astronomy

Students have the opportunity to teach a section of material in the astronomy unit of the curriculum content. The teaching presentation and a brief review are worked on in small groups incorporating technology available.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages

A Survey of Families of the Periodic Table

Part I: The periodic table will be introduced using text material. This would include some historical information and arrangement of the table. Selected periodic properties will be defined and trends considered. Part II: Students will be divided into groups of 2 or 3 by lottery for 8 chemical families. They will research the family members using the library and the internet. Library resources are limited in this respect and the internet will provide a much expanded source of information. Students should research into history, sources, properties, uses and chemistry of the elements in these families. It may be possible in some cases to contact companies that refine of use these elements using the internet to acquire additional information. While some students work on the internet /library sources others will perform labs related to the chemistry of selected elements. Part III: Assessment will consist of three parts 1)Students will determine a set of criteria to evaluate their presentations prior to presenting the results of their research in a 10 - 15 minute presentation. 2) A written record of laboratory observations should be made available to the other students. 3) The group will place a summary of information on a web page.
Synopsis Scenario References Student Pages