Project Synopsis



Student Pages


Description: This project introduces the student to the general area of Biotechnology through Internet explorations and basic Biotech labs. Following these activities, students develop Bioremediation projects in order to discover that this technology also has beneficial applications.


Subject: Biology and Biotechnology

Grade Level: 9th and 11th-12th grade

Learner Description: The learners are both regular and honors level students who have been grouped randomly

Time Frame: Three to four Weeks

Learner Outcomes: Student entrepenuers will conduct and apply the basic biotechnology procedures of DNA Fingerprinting and PCR as they relate to the use of bioremediation techniques in the cleanup of environmental hazards. Explorations will require the use of technology, the Internet and email in order to research and develop projects.


Authors: hortense brice
The Fermilab ARISE Project sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab. Funded by the The Illinois State Board of Education.
Created: July 3 ,1997