The Fermilab ARISE Project

Air Pollution: A Local and Global Problem




Student Pages


The following is a partial list of available resources on the web. Included are links for

  • High schools
  • Universities
  • Governement agencies
  • Organizations
  • Media sources
  • Misc.
  • Schools

    International WWW Schools Registry:

    This is a site with links to home pages of both national and international schools. You can also register your school if it is not there yet.

    The Global Schoolhouse:

    This is another site to find schools connected to the internet. You can also find projects other classes are doing and form partnerships with other schools.

    Air Pollution Project:

    This site is a project at Community High School in Ann Arbor MI. You can see research students did, read reviews of resources related to air pollution, and find out more about the project.


    Air Pollution Web Pages - ozone, SO2 and fluoride:

    This site is by the Air Pollution Group at the University of Newcastle, UK. It shows (pictures) and discusses some effects, especially biologigal effects, of various pollutants. It provides information about the group and people involved as well as links to other resources.

    Air Polltuion:

    This site is by the University of California San Diego, Wilson Group. It provides infomation about the effects and sources of air pollution. There are a variety of pictures and some basic background information about air pollution.


    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

    The EPA has areas for teachers, students, kids, citizens as well as governements, scientists and industry. You can find out about legislation, air pollution monitoring, regulation, news and data.

    US EPA Office of Air and Radiation:

    This site has areas discussing the ozone layer, acid rain, urban air, vehicles, visibility etc. There is information about effects, amounts, problems, programs for prevention. There are also links to publications and resources.

    Air and Radiation Division Region 5, USEPA:

    This is the regional site for the EPA Air and Radiation Division that includes Illinois and other Midwest states. It includes local resources and stories as well as other links.

    Welcome To Envirofacts:

    This site is the Envirofacts Warehouse which is a relational database that integrates data extracted monthly from five facility based EPA program systems with data, maps and links. It explains what is necessary to access the information.

    Illinois Agencies:

    This site explains what the following agencies do: Department of natural Resources, Department of Nuclear Safety, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Pollution Control Board. It provides links, addresses, phone and fax numbers, as well as e-mail addresses for each agency.

    Illinois Natural Resources Information Network (INRIN):

    The INRIN provides natural resource-related information to the citizens of Illinois. This includes information about Environmental Quality, education and laws in Illinois.

    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

    This site provides more local information about regulations, publications, maps and data, as well as links to other sites

    Green Talk:

    GreenTalk is a newsletter about the environment and the activities of the Illinois EPA. You can find current articles and back isssues.

    Links to Other Sites:

    This is an Illinois EPA site with links to many other EPA and environmental sites.


    The Environment on the NRDC:

    This site is the Natural Resources Defense Council, a non-profit organization providing infomation on current environmental issues. You can find news, information, an online journal, techincal materials on the environment, as well as links to other environmental sites.

    STAPPA/ALAPCO: State/Local Air Pollution Control Agencies:

    State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators and Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials. You can find news referenses, links and possible contacts.

    STAPPA/ALAPCO: Air Links:

    Provides links to agencies/organizations and topics related to air issues.

    GreenNet Home Page: :

    The GreenNet is a golbal computer communications network for Environment, Peace, Human Rights and Development. It is an international organization, primarily Europe.

    frams.html (Global Commons Institute):

    The Global Commons Institute is an internation group. There is information about international effects of air pollution and possible solutions as well as other links.


    Environmental Journalism Home Page:

    You can find articles and news here. There is a search feature where you can search for concepts and keywords.

    Environmental Journalism Home Page: Air Pollution links:

    Lots of links to sites related to air quality.


    Air Pollution :

    This is a high school project supported by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory about Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution. There is background information, health effects, prevention, activities and other information.

    Air Pollution - Destruction of our Biosphere:

    This site has pictures showing air pollution and links to other information.


    Author: Karen Bardeen
    The Fermilab ARISE Project sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab. Funded by the The Illinois State Board of Education.
    Created: July 3,1997 - Updated: July 11, 1997