The Fermilab ARISE Project

The Extinction of
the Bubble gum Plant




Student Pages



As students walk into Biology class, they are presented with the problem. An exotic plant which has been found in the Amazon Rain forest which produces a delicious flavoring which is being used commercially in bubble gum. This plant, however, is quickly undergoing extinction due to its overuse. Students are asked to address the problems concerning the loss of this plant. Ideas range from allowing the plant to become extinct to genetically engineering the necessary gene into another organism to saving the species from extinction.

Students are assigned to small ( 3 to 4 student) heterogeneous ability groups. Then, they are asked to start looking for solutions to the problem. Finally, the groups are asked to choose from a list of the solutions, which they have generated, the direction they would take to solve the problem presented.


The students are spending time on the Internet researching their particular topics. The teacher spends time circulating around to the different groups answering technical questions or prompting the students to possible locations to where the teacher might find additional answers to their own inquiries. Those that have chosen the topic of ecology are investigating the relationships of the plant to its environment. Other students are addressing the problems and ethics of using other species as a recipient or the foreign gene which they are attempting to save, and finally, some of the students are looking at the feasibility of using bioengineering as the solution to the problem. Those groups which have overlapping interests are encouraged to exchange ideas, develop new insights, and adapt their goals accordingly.



Groups are asked to give a 15 minute persuasive presentation to convince the students in class that their approach to the solution is best to be used. A scoring rubric will be generated by the students, in advanced, to determine the effectiveness of each of the proposals. Students will be evaluated by the scores which they receive from their classmates.


Authors: Alan Ringenberg
The Fermilab ARISE Project sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab. Funded by the The Illinois State Board of Education.
Created: July 2 1997