
The Fermilab ARISE Project

A Survey of Families of


Project Synopsis



Student Pages


Description: Part I: The periodic table will be introduced using text material. This would include some historical information and arrangement of the table. Selected periodic properties will be defined and trends considered. Part II: Students will be divided into groups of 2 or 3 by lottery for 8 chemical families. They will research the family members using the library and the internet. Library resources are limited in this respect and the internet will provide a much expanded source of information. Students should research into history, sources, properties, uses and chemistry of the elements in these families. It may be possible in some cases to contact companies that refine of use these elements using the internet to acquire additional information. While some students work on the internet /library sources others will perform labs related to the chemistry of selected elements. Part III: Assessment will consist of three parts 1)Students will determine a set of criteria to evaluate their presentations prior to presenting the results of their research in a 10 - 15 minute presentation. 2) A written record of laboratory observations should be made available to the other students. 3) The group will place a summary of information on a web page.

Subject: Chemistry

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Learner Description: Grade 10 students are accellerated students. Grades 11 or 12 students are following the normal sequence of courses.

Time Frame: 2 weeks

Learner Outcomes:

1. Students will acquire information on the chemical families considering placement and similarities.
2. Student will acquire some knowledge of uses of common as well as lesser known elements in the selected families.
3. Students will acquire knowledge of some of the chemistry of selected families/elements.


Authors: Elizabeth Heiberger The Fermilab ARISE Project sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab. Funded by the The Illinois State Board of Education.
Created: July X, 1997