The Fermilab ARISE Project

Science Projects Helper




Student Pages



Publishing your abstract:

Here's an opportunity to get your project published in a first class journal. This cite tells you where to send your abstract and the format you should use.

Step by step guide:

This is a really neat guide for doing your science project. It takes you through the process step by step with excellent examples for each step.

Ask an Expert:

This site has all kinds of good information as well as a list of participating experts you can choose from who are ready and willing to answer your questions.

Ask Dr. Science:

Submit any science question and your e-mail address and wait for an answer.

Creating Web pages:

This is a very helpful site created by an IMSA teacher to help students create web pages. It has some useful templates and even gives some common HTML source code definitions.

More creating Web pages: /linc/fall96/writing.html

This one is an even more extensive resource on creating web pages, especially for using Adobe PageMill.

Adding graphics to Web pages: /linc/spring96/write_graphics/write_graphics_other.html

This is a great step-by-step guide to finding graphics on the web and inserting them into your web page using Adobe Pagemill.

Surfing the net: /linc/fall96/basics.html

This is a real helpful introduction to using Netscape navagator.

The top 2 search enginges:

Yahoo! This one is best for searching by topic; it has an extensive tree of categories and sub-categories. Use this one when you're not sure what you're looking for.

Alta-vista. This one is the best for searching for specific items.




Authors: Michael F. Gallo
The Fermilab ARISE Project sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab. Funded by the The Illinois State Board of Education.
Created: July 1, 1997