Fox River Map Project



A list of links are listed below that may be of use to you during this project. This list contains many sources of information you need, but are not the only sources available. There are many other Internet sites, books, experts and other resources that are available so you may successfully complete this project.


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Text Resources

A River Ran Wild by Lynne Cherry

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard

Watersheds: A Practical Handbook for Healthy Water by Dobson & Beck




Internet Resources

Friends of the Fox River

Where we will be finding and entering our water quality and GPS data



Know Your Watershed

A watershed information network



Water Quality Monitoring - A How To Guide –

Steps for completing various water tests



Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

Additional watershed information



Department of Natural Resources

Additional watershed information and various surveys



Fox River Ecosystem

A lot of local map and data resources



United States Geological Survey

All the maps you will ever need




More maps and in various formats