Fox River Map Project

Student Pages


The Problem:


Your State Senator and local environmental agencies have come in and personally asked for your help in saving the Fox River.   The only way to study and protect your local watershed is if you help! 



The Task:


There are many things we need to do to participate in this very important study!  Here is a timeline so you can keep track of everything we need to do and when we need to have it completed.


1.    Complete water quality tests at Poplar Creek.  You will collect your data and send the results to the Friends of the Fox River Monitoring Network.


2.    Create a scaled drawing of Poplar Creek.


3.    Determine locations to collect GPS data.  You will visit these sites, record your data and send the results to the FOX Map Project.


4.    When all of the project data is compiled, you will access the data from the entire Fox River Watershed and create your own map.  This map will need to illustrate water quality, land use, and whatever other information you think is important. 


5.    Analyze your map data and find correlations between water quality and land use.  Record your correlations on the given handout.


6.    Create a final project to communicate your findings and correlations.  This project should be a public awareness campaign, and can be done however you choose.  Your final project will be shared with the community, so think how you can make the biggest impact to save your local watershed!  A rubric will be used to grade this project.






Various checklists and rubrics will be used to evaluate this project.





This resource list contains many sources of information you need, but are not the only sources available.


Fox River Watershed Map




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