Fox River Map Project

Timeline of Events


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Remember when the Senator and Gary Swick from the Fox Map Project came to speak to you?  They told us that the Fox River needs to be saved and they really need your help!  Here is a checklist of things we can do to help!



Project Task

Date Should be Done

Date Completed

Answer, “What is a watershed and how does it affect me?”



Select project groups



Select stream monitoring/water quality testing to complete



Research and understand stream test selected



Complete stream water quality testing



Analyze water quality results



Send your results to the experts



Jigsaw with other test groups and gather all data



Research GPS maps



Determine a GPS site your group wants to visit



Gather GPS data



Send your data to the experts



Jigsaw with other groups to gather all data



Collect compiled data from experts



Create personal map including all of the compiled data



Complete Correlation Hypotheses



Research support for hypotheses



Create final project to communicate correlations