Facilitators should feel free to add to or change the resources listed below. These are just a sample of what we used face-to-face with participants.


Some amount of time spent on your project; you might have some pages written, or you might be here because you can't seem to get started.


This page should provide you with some suggestions that can get you off the wall and back on the track.


The following is a list of places you can check out to in your effort to find motivation for continuing, or just getting back on the track again! We know what it is like; we've all run into this wall at some point. If all else fails, be sure to contact your facilitator to let him/her know you would like some guidance.

Try asking yourself some of these guiding questions. Be sure to answer them honestly. :)

Evaluate your project or idea with reference to Table 1 of Plugging In :Choosing and Using Educational Technology. It is almost impossible to create a project with every one of the indicators of engaged learning present, but be sure to pay attention to the teacher roles, student roles, assessment and tasks.

Jameson McKenzie always has something inspiring to say to teachers who are risking it all to create great stuff for kids! The Module Maker gives some step-by-step directions that might inspire you. There's also help for those struggling with assessment in technology projects.

Still have questions? These pages were developed to guide teachers through the construction of technology-rich investigations, which will be published and made available for students to work through online.