Gutenberg Bible


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Gutenberg's bible was a huge undertaking by any day's standards, but particularly by those in the mid 1400's. Setting each letter by hand, placing each sheet in the press and then taking it out to dry only to insert it again to be printed on the reverse side, was a mammouth undertaking. The bible consisted of 641 sheets with most of its pages containing forty-two lines in two columns. All in all there were 1,282 pages bound in two volumes. In 1474 an account was written that described Gutenberg as printing three hundred sheets a day using six presses. About three hundred copies were printed with the binding done elsewhere and some copies being sold as separate sheets. The bible was printed in ten sections which means that Gutenberg had to have enough type to set up about 130 pages at a time. His translated into nearly four hundred thousand pieces of type needed, a huge investment of time and metal.


Bunson, Matthew (1995). Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. Facts On File, Inc. New York, New York.
Pollard, Michael (1992). Johann Gutenberg. Exley Publications Ltd. Watford, Herts WDI 4BN, United Kingdom.

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office, Friends of Fermilab, United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, and North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Authors: Bonnie Panagakis, Chris Marszalek, Linda Mazanek
School: Twin Groves Junior High School, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089
Created: November 25, 1997 - Updated: