Questions to Ask Apprentice Applicants


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When a student presents himself to you for application into the guild that you are representing, they must do so in the proper manner. They have been instructed on how to speak with you (clearly, politely, and with deference to your position as a master of the guild). They will not leave until you dismiss them so please remember to do so! Before giving them their apprenticeship card, you need to first ask him/her some questions. All students must answer the following questions:

Then ask the student one of the following questions from the "What Are Guilds?" handout:
[NOTE: The answers appear in italics following the question.]
The original "one" or town guild eventually became what guild?
Answer: The merchant guild.
What was another name for members of the greater guilds in Italy?
Answer: The popolo grasso or fat people
What was another name for members of the minor guilds in Itatly?
Answer: The popolo minuto or little people
What was the general age of a child first entering an apprenticeship?
Answer: Between the ages of 7 and 9.
What is a "masterpiece" within the guild?
Answer: What the apprentice presented as proof of his ability to practice the trade.
How did the status of "journeyman" come about?
Answer: As a means for the masters who were the members of the guild to keep their numbers down, have more workmen under them, and thus increase their profits and keep the competition down.
Name one guild in which a girl could be apprenticed?
Answer: The butchers, ironmongers, shoemakers, hot-food sellers, bookbinders, goldsmiths, brewing, spinning, and silk making.
Name one social or religious function a guild performed within its ranks?
Answer: They cared for the widows and children of members who died and paid the costs of the funeral. Very often they ran schools for the children of their members. Each guild also conducted religious ceremonies in honor of their patron saint.
What was the great weakness of the Guild system?
Answer: This weakness was its inability to adjust itself to technological progress.


If the student passes all tests, give them their apprenticeship card. Write their name in the space provided and sign on the line reserved for the master of the guild. They will return to you once a week.
The first week will be to recieve a bit of advide from the Advice printout.
The second week they will be to recieve a bit of curiosa from the Curiosa printout.



The third week they will come to you for an insignia for their guild banner they must create. Give them one from the Banner printout.


The fourth week they will come to you for money to place in the collection box in the Learning Center as their guild's contribution to the building of the cathedral. Give them their donation from the Charitable Donation printout.


Remember that the students are practicing the art of secrecy which was paramount amongst the guilds. Therefore you can only give out an item from one of the aforementioned printouts only once! When you give them an item be sure to initial their apprentice card and dismiss them with one of the dismissal statements from the Dismissal printout.

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office, Friends of Fermilab, United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, and North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Authors: Bonnie Panagakis, Chris Marszalek, Linda Mazanek
School: Twin Groves Junior High School, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089
Created: December 7, 1997 - Updated: