Evaluating Information


Basic browser skills


To increase proficiency in evaluating relevant Internet resources


Anybody can make a Web page—and they do!
How do you evaluate the sites you see???


A typical disclaimer by a typical librarian: While this page concerns the topic of evaluating Web pages, teachers should clearly indicate to their students that the Web is only one source of information. While the Web can be very useful for researching certain topics, it can be almost useless for other topics. To research a topic thoroughly, use a variety of sources--not just the Web.

Web evaluation techniques are being developed. While establishing evaluation procedures should be an ongoing process, the following criteria may be helpful at this stage.

Look at areas of a Web document for

pertinent information used in the evaluation process.

*graphic adapted from Yale Style Manual

Become more critical of the material you are exposed to--become "InfoCritical."*

Evaluate for:



Perspective or Objectivity



Additional Resources:

FromNowOn.Org has developed a table as a "visual organizer" that helps focus the evaluation of sources. They have also developed a bibliography of additional information and resources.


Choose two sites from the following list:

Evaluating Web Pages: Links to Examples of Various Concepts by Widener University, Wolfgram Memorial Library

Evaluate and compare the sites on just two of the characteristics listed above. Post your response as indicated by your facilitator or as indicated on your assignment sheet. See assignment sheet for the due date.


*Jurek, Richard J. "Don't Be Fooled Again." Internet World. April 1997, page 48.