Fermilab LInC Online


Monitoring the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Project


CheSSie Students,

Below are the point values by which you will be assessed while working in this project.

 Point Value

 3 Points

 2 Points

 1 Point

 0 Points

Background research into the status of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW)

Your research is thorough and uses multiple resources. Your research is complete and well organized. Your research is incomplete or inaccurate. Research is missing.

Maps showing potential sources of pollution to the CBW

Your maps are complete and contain new and useful information. Your maps are complete and contain useful legend. Your maps are incomplete or unclear. Maps are missing.

Use the Internet to research relevant information on monitoring the CBW

You have demonstrated the ability to research a topic using several approved search tools and techniques. You have researched the CBW Monitoring project without assistance. You have researched the CBW Monitoring Project with minimal assistance at school. You have not demonstrated the ability to reasearch the CBW Monitoring Project.

Use the Internet to contact expert sources

You have demonstrated the ability to maintain constant correspondence with outside sources.  You have demonstrated the ability to contact outside sources independently. With assistance, you have contacted outside sources.  You have not made contact with any outside sources. 

Record of tests and observations

You have demonstrated the ability to maintain a thorough and complete journal documenting data collected. With minimal assistance, you have demonstrated the ability to maintain a thorough and complete journal documenting data collected. Journal entries are imcomplete, unclear, or missing. You have not kept a journal documenting the data collected.

Description of how you will be assessed while working in cooperative groups

You have demonstrated the ability to work cooperatively with your peers on and off line. You have demonstrated the ability to work cooperatively with your peers on and off line most of the time.  You find it difficult to work cooperatively with your peers on or off line most of the time.  You have not demonstrated the ability to work cooperatively with your peers either on or off line. 

Explanation of the importance of the CBW Monitoring Plan

You have demonstrated the ability to clearly articulate the CWB Monitoring Plan. With minimal assistance, you have demonstrated the ability to clearly articulate the CBW Monitoring Plan. You have failed to communicate clearly the importance of the CBW Monitoring Plan. Your explanation of the importance of the CBW Monitoring Plan is missing.


Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office, Friends of Fermilab, United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, and North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium (NCRTEC) which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).


Authors: Mellie Lewis, ,<mlewis@umd5.umd.edu> Atholton Elementary School, Columbia, MD and
Susan Hurstcalderone, <calderone@sysnet.net> , Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
This rubric is adapted from The Project Idea (P.I.) Plus DuPage River Project
created by Meehan and Nolan (/help/Meehan_Nolan/river_problem1_rubric.html
Created: October 18, 1997 - Updated: October 18, 1997
URL: /lincon/w98/projects/chesapeake/rubric.html