Subject:Science,Social Studies,Language Arts, Math, Fine Arts
Grade Level:Fifth graders
Abstract:Students will research the Native American Dwellings of various tribes and regions in the United States using various forms of technology. The information gleaned will be shared with other students both locally and throughout the country via the Internet and student product presentations.
Learner Description/Environment:Fifth grade students in four classes including gifted, learning disabled and hearing impaired students. The school is in a rural setting and students are mostly from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
Time Frame:Six weeks in science classes meeting four times a week for forty minutes. This project research will also be carried out in the students' homeroom classes in the social studies and language arts blocks.
Rationale:Students will learn to direct their own learning and research activities in small cooperative groups using the vehicle of the Native American Dwellings:
Learner Outcomes
Alignment with Standards:The Native American Dwellings Project meets criteria for completion of the Illinois Learning Standards for:
Science: Goal 11 A,B, Goal 12 B,C,D Goal 13 B
Social Studies: Goal 14 F,Goal 15 A,B,C,D,E, Goal 16 A, E, Goal 17 A,C,
D, Goal 18 A
Language Arts: Goal 1 B, Goal 2 D, Goal 3 A,B,C, Goal 4 A,B,
Goal 5 A,B, C,
Math: Goal 7 C,
Fine Arts: Goal 26 A,B, Goal 27 A,B,
Structure of the Learning: The learning will be in small student directed groups.
Content:The Dwelling of various Native American Tribes and regions of the USA
Process:Students will research the Internet for information,including the web sites of tribal groups, historical museums and first person interviews via e-mail
Product:A student chosen model, web-page or multimedia presentation.
Assessment:Student performance will be based on teacher and peer observations of work habits, compilation of data, oral presentations, multi-media projects or models.
Project/Unit Evaluation:Student projects and enthusiasm and increased scores on the district assessment instruments.