Teacher Resources

 Collaborative Rubric

 Laboratory Rubric

Oral Presentation Rubric

 Oral Presentation
Attempted Effort (1)
Satisfactory Effort (2)
Exceptional Effort (3)
Topic covered in depth.
Materials presented are in an organized fashion.
Material presented was at the appropriate level for the audience to understand.
Visual aide/hand outs were appropriately designed and used.
Presenters display a courteous and professional attitude.
Presenters were able to answer questions from the audience with ample knowledge.

Total points earned 18 Points available

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Catherine Wittig and Todd Everson
School: John Marshall International Baccalaureate High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Created: March 1, 1999 - Updated: April 25, 1999
URL: /lincon/w99/projects/leaditbe/rubric.html