West Ottawa Public Schools

Staff Development

Engaged Learning Academy

Pre-Assessment Page



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 Class Schedule


Please answer the following questions. This information will assist us in better tailoring this course to your needs as well as give us valuable information about the class itself. When done, submit the form by clicking the "Submit" button.

Home Information

Last Name: First Name: Middle Initial:

Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Phone Number:

Personal E-mail:


West Ottawa Engaged Learning Academy (Fall 1999)

I will be able to take a Winter 1999 full online LInC Course from February 3 to May 5, 1999 .

Past experience has shown that participants who are most successfull in this course have scheduled regular weekly blocks of time to work both individually and with their team.

I have the time to commit to work on this course 2-4 hours per week every week not counting in class meeting time.

I will be able to read e-mail regularly (4 or more days per week).

I will be available one afternoon per week (3:00 - 5:00 PM) for class meetings.

Classroom and Staff Development Experience

For the questions below, note that we are looking for a commitment among team members to learning and using engaged learning practices. We do not expect that every team member will be familiar with these practices, but we want to know that you are open to new ideas.

Describe one of your best experiences teaching in your classroom. It does not have to involve technology. Describe what the students were doing and what you were doing. Also describe usage of resources, technology, or grouping (if any) and how the students were assessed.

How do you currently integrate curriculum, instruction, and technology in the classroom?

How do you hope to integrate curriculum, instruction, and technology in the classroom?


Technical Skills

This is not an introductory-level course. Based on our experience in a similar course, we know that these skills are important for successful participation in the course. Please mark the skills you have by checking the box. Lacking one or more of these skills will NOT exclude you from the course.

Computer Operation Skills
I am confident that I know:

How to turn the computer on, shut it down, and reboot it.
How to create, move, name, find, and discard files and folders/directories.
How to start and exit software applications, how to use the standard file menu to save or print files, and how to save files under another name.
How to use the standard file dialog box to select a file or folder.
What the "currently active application" is, and how to change it.
How to move, resize, bring forward, and close windows on the screen.
How to arrange two application windows side-by-side on the screen.
How to cut, copy, and paste from one place or application to another.
How to use any word processing program (e.g., ClarisWorks, MS Word, MS Works, WordPerfect, PageMaker, . . . .).

E-mail Basics
I am confident that I know:

How to send an e-mail message.
How to check for e-mail.
How to read e-mail messages.
How to reply to an e-mail message.

Browser Basics
I am confident that I know:

What a Web page is, what a link is.
How to recognize a link, how to follow a link, how to tell whether you have followed a link before.
How to use the Forward, Back and Home buttons to get around.
How to use a navigation bar of links on a Web site to find your way around the site.
How and when to use Stop.
How to print a page.
How to use the Open button or Location field to type in an Internet address (go to a URL directly).
What a Bookmark or Favorite is, how to add a bookmark, how to visit a link that you have bookmarked.

Tell us two of your favorite educational URLs.


List instructions for making a "Bookmark" OR "Favorite".


Explain how to close a computer window (for the computer you use at home).
Also explain how to resize a computer window.


A novice user needs to use a program called XYZ. Please list the instructions you would give this user to determine if the user already has this software program on his/her computer. Assume the user has the same kind of computer as you have at home.


Describe your past experience with writing web pages, transferring files, and using a listserv.
Note: This is not a class prerequisite.

Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

Author(s): Chad Miller(dutch_96@yahoo.com), Sharon Iverson(iversons@macatawa.org), Lynn Rutan(lrutan@sirus.com)
School: Macatawa Bay School, West Ottawa Public Schools; Holland, Michigan
Created: July 13, 1999
URL: /lincon/w99/projects/michigan/staffdev/academypreassess.html