
Methods: Scattering and Collisions
Patterns are the Clue.

The Story of Fermilab

Scientists work by posing important new questions about the natural world. They develop theories, and invent tools and techniques to answer their questions and test their theories. Particle physicists are scientists who develop and test theories about the smallest particles of matter. Fermilab physicists create particles by accelerating protons and making them collide with particle targets. Sometimes the protons collide with fixed particle targets (hydrogen ions, iron, tungsten, for example); sometimes the protons collide head on with moving anti-protons (See the Animation). These collisions (also called events) create new particles. Scientists record and study how the newly created particles move away (or scatter) from the collision. By observing this behavior, scientists can learn about the particles and the forces that control their interactions, and sometimes discover particles not seen before. - The rest of the story

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Work on Fermilabyrinth sponsored by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (disclaimer) Education Office and Friends of Fermilab and funded by the US Department of Energy and the North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium (disclaimer), operated by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Program Contact: Spencer Pasero - spasero@fnal.gov
Web Maintainer: ed-webmaster@fnal.gov

Last Updated: September 16, 1999